4: Pain and Pleasure

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(A/N: This one is just something that I wrote when I was bored lmao. Hope you all still like it even though it is a bit shitty.)

Meghan and Charlie were writing lyrics for their new song.


Charlie's POV

I toss the bottle of champagne somewhere and looked at Meghan, analyzing her every move. her beauty. The way she bites her lips as she gently wrote down every little word that she can think of for our new song. I just love how she would give me short glances here and there, maybe looking at me and asking for some more ideas. And how the wind of the fan would make her hair flow behind her, making her look like a fucking goddess of the wind or something. (A/N: I'm so bad at these lol.) okay, maybe this is just the alcohol talking.

I didn't realize I was still looking at her when she flicked my forehead, making me snap out of my daydream and go back to reality. I blinked for a few times before looking at Meghan with a confused expression, "What? What is it?" I asked.

"Why are you staring at me, you creep?"

"I wasn't!"

"You were!"

"No, I wasn't!"

"Yes, you were!"

"Yeah, okay whatever." I huffed and crossed my arms. I saw her roll her eyes before going back to writing something on the notepad. It's been already an hour and we're still not done yet, what the fuck.

"Anyway, I was asking you for some ideas but then I realize you were staring at me like I was naked or something," she exclaimed. Yeah, I would like to see you naked sometime to be honest, I thought to myself. A small smirk creeped up my lips, but I instantly wiped it off, too afraid that she might see.

"I wasn't staring at you," I muttered, avoiding eye contact with her and just looked down on the floor.

"You were staring at me."

Okay, I've had enough. I shot my head up and gripped her chin using my hands and made her look back at me, "Okay fine. Maybe I was staring at you, babe. But that's just because I find you so fucking beautiful. It's difficult to look at you and know that all I can old do is stare because I'm too afraid that you don't even like me back. Now, are you happy with that answer, baby?"

She didn't say anything, but instead she smashed her lips against mine, making me let out a 'Mmmpmh' sound. I felt her smirk against my lips and just kept on kissing me.

Her hands found my clothed erection, giving it a tight squeeze, making me moan and giving her access to my lips more. She deepened the kiss when she inserted her tongue inside my mouth, roaming it and fighting against my tongue for dominance.

She pulled away, out of breath "Charlie, please punish me. I've been a bad girl."

Okay, that was hot. I moaned and smirked, "Yes babygirl. You've been such a bad girl for daddy. And bad girls deserves to be punished." I gripped her ass and gave it a light squeeze before harshly smacking it. She let out a whine and God, that turned me on so much. I leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "Babygirl, bend over the table so daddy can take a good look on your leaking pussy okay?"

She scurried to turn around and bend over the table, giving me a full view of her ass. She was wearing a leather skirt so I gripped the hem of her skirt, pulling it upwards. She was wearing red lace panties. Holy shit. "You are so wet for daddy, huh?" I traced my finger up and down in the middle of her panties.

She squirmed and moaned, "Daddy, don't tease please."

"But you've been a bad girl, Princess. Do you think you deserve daddy's cock?"

"I do deserve it daddy!"

I smirked and whispered, "Prove it to daddy then."


Meghan's POV

I hovered Da-- I mean, Charlie and lined his leaking cock on my entrance, "Take your time Princess." He smoothed my sides encouraging me to go down and take him past my entrance.

My eyes squeezed shut as I slowly and gently took him inside of me, the pain slowly subsiding as the pleasure slowly took over my body. Once I was fully seated on him and he was balls deep, I let out a shaky breath. Fuck, he was huge. I've never felt so full in my life.

Charlie may think that I'm drunk, but I don't get drunk too easily.

"Charlie you're so big." I mumbled.

"Yes, daddy's aware of that Princess. Just take your time yeah? You can move whenever you want." I nod my head and slowly raised my body and slam it back down onto his throbbing length. I moaned and threw my head back as I feel more and more pleasure.

I picked up my pace and now was bouncing up and down on his cock.

"That's it, babe. Be a good girl and fuck yourself on your daddy's cock just like that." He grips my waist and thrusts upwards, helping me reach my orgasm a little bit faster.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy.." I moaned as he goes more faster than before.

My mouth hang opened as I held in my orgasm. I want him to come first before I do.

My pussy was clenching, clenching so hard so that I won't come sooner. "If you want to cum, go ahead then. You deserve it, you've been a good girl." And with that, I was coming. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I came so hard. So hard that I was seeing stars.

Charlie came not too long after I did, he pulled out and came on my stomach.

I collapsed on top of him, breathless.

Maybe I wanted him to stare at me after all. It was creepy at first, but I wasn't complaining.

(A/N: Lmao I told you guys this was shitty. I apologize if it's too short. I just wanted to update something so you guys won't stop supporting this book. I'll try and update something that is a little more.. Good? And long? If that's what you guys want. )

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