7: Your Bitch, Though

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Charlie's POV

there was a part inside me that wished to never have deleted that picture.. but i just had to, even if some people may have already seen it and liked the picture, I still had to. I was being too obvious, and the fact that I even posted that picture of her made people question about my relationship with her.

I get that there's nothing wrong with being with Meghan but.. what if this is all too much for her to handle? What if she's gonna break up with me if I just let that picture stay on my Instagram account? I promised not to tell anyone, and I'm keeping that promise, somehow..

Both my fans and Meghan's fans are starting to get more curious about what's going on between the two of us but we can never ever let them know. Meghan's still not ready for the public to know, and I'm gonna wait for her. Well, at least that's what she told me before.


I look up from my phone and locked my gaze into Meghan's eyes.. there was a feeling in her eyes that I couldn't quite comprehend.. pain? I don't know.

"Yes, babygirl?" I asked with curiosity. She sits down next to me on the bed and looks at me with intent.

"Babe, why'd you delete that pic..?"

Oh, I knew it.

"Princess, I thought you weren't ready to go out in public? That's what you told me, right?" I tried to explain, she sighs.

"I-I know.. but for some reason, maybe I wanna show all of them that.. I'm-I'm your girl, you know? I can feel it in my guts, Charles. It's like the thing that we're doing is holding us back from telling people what we truly feel," her gaze falls to the ground, "I-I don't.. want that anymore."

I took a deep breath and after a few seconds of comfortable silence I finally spoke, "Well.. do you wanna go out now and show them, everyone, that we're in a relationship?"

She looks up at me, a glint in her eyes shines at the thought of what I just said. She instantly nods her head and i leaned in to give her a peck on the nose. I grin and pull away, closing the gap between her lips to mine.

The feeling was still there, the spark, the spark where everything began. I was so in love with this woman, and for some reason, I couldn't manage to make it stop. Maybe it was always have been her..

I pull away from the kiss and we connect our foreheads, both of us grinning like the sickly sappy couple we are as we stayed like that, madly in love with each other.

"I love you, babe." I whisper.

She replies back, "I love you more, Charlie."

And i was content with everything that I had since then.


A couple of days has passed ever since I deleted that picture, but I quickly posted it again because I'm whipped, obviously. I'd do anything for Meghan, what ever the fuck happens.

Before Meghan and i went to bed that night.. i ate her out and she was screaming daddy all night, but I guess the public wouldn't know about any of that because that's what we both share. No one can know about the things we do in bed.

I worship her body. It's like the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my goddamn life, and I will not get tired of looking at it. Just by thought of her naked, makes my dick hard.. but i can't be hard right now considering I'm on an interview.

"So, Charlie.. a couple days ago, you posted a picture of Meghan?" The interviewer asks over the microphone. I look backstage, and there she was, my beautiful girlfriend, sitting pretty on a chair just watching me get interviewed. These are the times where i need her help, you know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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