5: Kiss Me Before I Fucking Lose My Mind

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(A/N: hi guys. How are y'all doing?

So, it's been a while since I last updated and I'm really sorry. I was really running out of ideas and it's hard to think of a plot for a chapter. I apologize.

I hope you all like this chapter. I tried my best to make this one not boring asf, but if it's boring well.. I really tried *shrugs*

Anyway, onto the chapter!)

Meghan's POV

I lean on the door as I closed it shut after I ran back to my dressing room, cheeks flushed and sweaty as hell. I can't believe Charlie would do that.. He kissed me, but he said he doesn't like me in a relationship type of way.

I groaned as I rest my head on the door. Why does he have to be so confusing?! I thought we already went over this. He specifically said that me and him will stay friends for the sake of our career. But it's not bad if we end up together. I'm sure the fans will understand our relationship. It's just that he's confusing me so much right now and it's starting to hurt my head. The worst part is that I liked it.. I shouldn't have. And he has a freaking girlfriend. I'm sure Selena would be furious if she founds out about her boyfriend kissing another woman. Of course, she would.

I lift my head up where it was rested on the door and made my way on the small couch that I had installed in my dressing room in case I needed rest after the show. And I definitely need rest now after what just happened.

I lay on my back on the couch and flutter my eyes closed, sighing contentedly as relaxation washed through my body.

Maybe I just need sleep.

Yeah, maybe the problems will go away when I wake up.

Just maybe.


And of course, I was wrong. So wrong.

Charlie burst through my door, waking me up from my slumber and shooting him a death glare as he walk his way up to the couch where I'm currently laying down on.

"What do you want, Charles?" I spat at him. He looks down for a minute and then looks back at me again, saying, "I just wanted to talk. Can we talk?"

I scoff at his question, "There's nothing to talk about, Charlie. You kissed me, I liked it, we're still friends, you're with Selena. End of story. Now let me sleep." I grabbed a pillow and covered my face with it and closed my eyes, trying my best to fall back to my deep slumber earlier. I felt the pillow being pulled upward by Charlie so I started to get a little mad, "Will you fucking stop?! Just let me rest and we'll talk about this when I'm ready to see your stupid face again. Now get out!" I snatched the pillow out of his hand and covered my face again with it.

A minute passed, I hear faint footsteps and a sound of the door closing.

And if I was crying over the pillow and also cried myself back to sleep, then no one has to know.


Charlie's POV

I already ended things with Selena, it's over and done now. And I want her, only her. And when I say her, I meant Meghan. Yeah. Meghan fucking Trainor.

I groan against my palm as I rest my whole face against my cold and pale hands. Guess all I have to do now is suffer.

But then again, I was the cause of our fight after all. I pushed her away and told her I don't like her and we should just be friends and only keep it that way. Real smooth, Charlie. Real fucking smooth.

I sat back on the couch as my sister go on and on about his boyfriend. It's starting to annoy me so I stopped listening.

"Charlie, are you even listening to what the hell I'm saying?!" She exclaims. I just shrugged and grabbed the TV remote to watch some shows that would maybe make me busy for a few hours. I just don't want to think for a while. My thoughts are starting to make me feel depress and I don't want to be those guys who starts to cut themselves and start to slowly kill themselves. I don't want to be like that.

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