Tamika Under House Arrest: Chresanto Style

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A/N: first, I just wanted to say really quick that in theatre, my character's name is Tamika. But i didn't know that until today so...


Tami's POV

My body was cold and weak. Chresanto locked me in the basement. The thing about the basement is that there is a soundproof window that doesn't open and is only a slit that is four inches from the ceiling, it stays cold no matter what we put the air on, and it's just hard cement. No cushioning, so you know my ass, feet, neck, and every other bone were hurting. I shivered and tried to ball up my naked body for warmth to the best of my ability, but being in that room for so long removed all warmth from my body. I coughed and felt goosebumps rise on me.

I tried friction and rubbed my hands against my arms rapidly for awhile. It helped only slightly then once I stopped, the coldness took over. I couldn't so this forever. I tried huddling in the sunlight but wherever the sun was shining in that dark, moist room, there was a slight draft from the cold winter air outside.

The entrance door to the basement opened and I looked at the door praying it was the police. Chresanto stood there. "Get up." He said. As I stood up as fast I could, which was extremely slow for the chill had taken a toll on my bones, Chresanto came down the stairs. He yanked my arm and dragged me upstairs.

He pulled me into the bathroom and threw me on the floor, then he ran he shower water. Before I could get up my self nor for e nought one for the water to warm, he threw me in the shower. The cold water only added to my chills. Sending a terrible flashing pain throughout my body as I struggled to get out of the water, Chresanto pushed me back in. "It'll warm up." He said tossing me a rag.

He watched and smirked as I struggled to lift myself up in the slippery tub. I managed to hold on to the shower rack and rest there as I cleaned myself. Usually, I wouldn't mind Chresanto looking, but after all that shit he put me through, I wanted him to be gone. But I played smart and kept quiet, giving only a sideways glance every now and then.

I finished washing and Chresanto handed me some lingerie. I looked at him funny.

"Hurry the fuck up, Tamika." I put it on quickly. Then, he snatched me up and threw me on the bed. I fought as best as I could, but he won in the end by sitting on me. He tied y hands and got up. "Please, don't do this baby." I begged. "I-I'm sorry. Just don't do this."

Chresanto smirked and left the room. I heard him speaking to someone, then this other man came in. "Big Deal is the name. Smashin' you is about to be my game." He licked his lips. "Chresantooo." I called in a worried tone.

"Big Deal" ignored my calls and climbed on top of me. I started kicking and thrashing. Then I kneed him where no man should ever be kneed. "Ahhh!" He screamed and rolled off of me. I tried yanking the ropes free, but it was starting to take of skin, so I stopped. "Bitch!" Big Deal yelled as he got up and back handed me.

That hit was hard and loud enough to be heard downstairs. I started crying and calling Chresanto. He never came. Ten minutes went by and no sign. Big Deal waited for him to come rampaging through the door as well. The look of fear on his face said it all. Once he realized Chresanto wasn't coming, he climbed back on top of me, slipped my panties down, and entered me roughly. He started slapping my face and punching me, while he raped me. I started crying and calling for Chresanto like I was being murdered. "Chresanto! Help! Please! Please, stop!"

"Big Deal" landed another hard punch square in the face. My face was bloody and scratched now. Blood rushed into my eyes. Everything became a daze. I didn't know what the hell was going on. I just knew I was being rape and beaten and I could feel pain shooting down my body.

I heard a "BOOM!" Then another voice go "The fuck are you doing?" Was that Chresanto? I tried wiping the blood out my eyes, but failed as more blood came rushing in its place. After a while, managed five seconds of a blood-free view, and that's when I saw it. I witnessed Chresanto slitting the throat of "Big Deal". Oddly, Big Deal didn't die automatically, and Chresanto took that time to pour lemon juice on the cut.

I heard Big Deal's screams of agony, then the blood rushed back into my eyesight and I blacked out.

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