Chapter Three: Electrified

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The rest of the night Julian and Gemma talked about all things music. She showed him her record collection and some books she had by artists like Michael Jackson and David Bowie.
He was impressed by her knowledge of music and even more impressed when he saw she had Loaded by The Velvet Underground on cassette. They were probably his favorite band. He didn't know anyone else besides his buddies that listened to Lou Reed.

Around nine, Julian decided to head out and Gemma was just happy he stayed. He explained more about his family and how his mom was Miss Denmark and how she was practically a model. He also explained that his father started this big modeling agency, but she got a vibe that Julian didn't like talking about his father much. She made sure she didn't ask questions.

The rest of the week, she only saw Julian in passing in the hall or at lunch. They would occasionally lock eyes and he would give her a smirk, but that was it. Gemma was stuck sitting with random 'popular' jocks because of Ginger but she wished she could sit with Julian and Albert. Julian, Albert, Fab, and Nikolai all sat together and it seemed like it was always a fun time. They threw food, they were loud, and they would always get in trouble with teachers.

Gemma was stuck sitting with people she didn't really get along with. Nick Valensi is one jock she cant stand in particular, he has an arrogant personality and thinks literally every girl is obsessed with him. She wouldn't say hate, but she dislikes him very much.

When Gemma gets home she goes into into her room, and the little Papa John's slip catches her eye. She holds it between her thumbs and contemplates giving him a call. She feels nervous because she can't help crush on him. She gives up and decides to call him maybe later in the evening, but right as she puts her phone down she gets a call.

The call is from an unknown number. It doesn't take her long to realize that the number calling her is the same number on the Papa John's slip. It was Julian.

"Hello?" She plays it off like she doesn't know who it is.

It's silent on the other line for a moment,  "Uh,'s Julian."

He sounds muffled and staticky. His voice is always low and raspy.

"Hey, Julian- How'd you get my number?" 

"I got it from Albert because I didn't think you were ever gonna call." Julian explains.

Gemma feels bad about not calling sooner, but he has no idea how many times she tried and thought about him.

"I was gonna, I swear."

"Yeah, yeah. I bet." He says, more sarcastically.

"So.. why'd you call?" 

Julian is silent. He went over in his head at least twenty times how to ask her, but as the moment comes he fumbles. "Just to see how you were." He says.

Gemma questions more and more if Julian is interested in her as more than a friend, but she feels she overthinks things.

"I was also wondering, um- if you wanted to like come over and watch a movie?" 

"Yeah, that'd be fun. When?" 

"Does tomorrow night work for you? I can pick you up at 7" He asks. Gemma agrees to the date and feels electrified inside. She had never met a guy who was into her like this. Even if he just wants to be friends, she has never had someone actually want to hang out and care about her. She liked it, but she was also scared it wasn't going to last. She doesn't think any good thing in her life lasts.

Julian felt relieved that he committed to asking her out. He wonders if she thinks it's a date or if she looks at him as just a friend.

The next morning, Gemma looks in her closet to figure out what to wear. She noticed she was trying harder and harder because of Julian.

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