Chapter 10

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     Warning: this chapter is darker and has attempted assault. Not attempted, so nothing actually happens, but still, proceed with caution if that kinda thing bothers you.

      Kaylee noticed that she had a voicemail the next morning and played it while she changed into her work clothes. It was from Tim, saying that he and Abby had to tell her something. She figured they would tell her when she got to work so she grabbed her shoes and went out into the kitchen. Maddie was on her way to the door and Kaylee stooped to give her a hug and kiss, then watched her leave. She grabbed a cookie from the always-full box, took a bite and went out to her car. She climbed in and drove to work, her thoughts bouncing from her date with Tony, to Tim's weird call, and a prayer she always said for her co-workers.

When Kaylee entered the squad room, only Tony was there. She set her stuff at her desk then went over and sat on the corner of his desk. She took his hand in hers and said, "I had fun last night." Tony smiled and stood, pulling her up with him.

"Me too, we should do it again." Kaylee glanced around then slid her arms around Tony's waist and nodded.

"Yeah, maybe this weekend." Tony leaned down and Kaylee rose up onto her toes and kissed him. They didn't notice Tim walking in and both jumped when he said, "What the..." Kaylee felt the blood rush to her face and saw that Tony was blushing as well. They both muttered something and Tony slid around the desk and quickly walked to the elevator. Kaylee couldn't bring herself to look at Tim, and said, "Why did you call last night?" Tim just gestured for her to follow him. She followed and in the elevator she whispered, "Please don't tell Gibbs." Tim smiled and said, "I won't, but he'll find out, he always does." The elevator opened and Tim and Kaylee walked into Abby's lab. Abby was sitting at her computer, a caf-pow in hand, when Tim said, "So, how do we do this?" Abby spun her chair around and held up a remote. She pressed a button on it and the door closed and locked. Kaylee suddenly felt very nervous and flexed her hand, ready to use her powers if necessary. Tim led her over to a chair and when she didn't sit, he just shrugged. Abby tapped a few things on her computer and Kaylee saw a set of DNA scans on the screen. Abby looked at her and said, "This is your DNA," while pointing at the one on the left, and said, "This is Gibbs'," while pointing to the one on the right. Kaylee shrugged and said, "They look almost the same."

"There is a reason for that..." Kaylee looked at Abby expectantly and said, "And that reason is?" Abby bit her lip and said, "Do you know who your dad is?" Kaylee shook her head.

"No, my mom said that she left him and never told him she was pregnant with me. I have never met him, but every single year on their wedding anniversary, she calls him a lot. Usually she is also drunk while calling." Abby smiled slowly and said, "Yes you have, you work for him. Kaylee, Gibbs is your father. There is absolutely no doubt, I was testing Maddie's DNA to see if her father was Lukas, and Gibbs came up as a grandparent, so I ran yours. Also, Gibbs' third wife does exactly what you just said your mom does." Kaylee slowly sat down in the chair behind her and said, "Gibbs? What?" She stared at the floor and jumped when she heard a bang on the door and a muffled, "OW!" Abby cleared her computer screen and unlocked the door with her remote. Tony came in, holding his nose. He gave Abby a look and said, "McGee, Gibbs wants you in the squad room." Tim got up and left the room and Tony followed. Kaylee looked at Abby and said, "My mom, Stephanie, would never talk about my dad. She said they weren't married long. When I was 19, I had finally saved up enough money to move, and I moved to Baltimore. Mom always said that she met him near there, so I was hoping to find him. When I moved, I changed my last name from Flynn to Branson. I can't believe Gibbs is my dad. He was watching his own granddaughter last night and none of us even knew."

Abby's phone rang and she answered it. She said a few things then hung up.

"Gibbs said he needs you in interrogation. They brought in Jayson, they are waiting." Kaylee nodded and left the lab.

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