Chapter 11

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Kaylee was relaxing in her basement, which consisted of a giant pool filling most of the space, a staircase, a TV on the wall, and a kitchenette-really a fridge, microwave, and bar with the bar stools in the water for easy access.. She was sitting at the bar, her ice cream in hand, when the doorbell rang. She sighed, set her bowl on the counter, and slid off the stool. She ducked under the twenty-foot-deep water and swam over to the TV. She surfaced and pressed a button next to the screen. Her front porch flashed onto the screen and Kaylee saw Tim standing at her door. He glanced through the window and called out, "Kaylee, I know you're here, I saw your car." Kaylee moved to the side of the screen with a small flick of her tail and pressed the intercom button.

    "Come on in Tim, I'm in the basement. It's the second door on the left." Tim opened the door and Kaylee switched off the TV screen. She heard the door open at the top of the stairs and ducked under the water. She swam to the front of the platform at the bottom of the stairs and waited underwater. She laughed to herself when she saw Tim look around at the water, confusion practically tattooed on his face. She spun and flipped her tail above the water, spraying him, and then surfaced on the side of the platform. Tim turned in a circle and stopped when he saw Kaylee resting her arms on the platform, tail floating behind her. He walked over and said, "You should really lock your door if you're going to be like this." Kaylee laughed and said, "I can, look." Tim looked where she was pointing and saw an electric lock that he assumed was wired to the front door. He laughed and sat on the platform.

Kaylee looked around and motioned for Tim to wait. She dove under the water and focused her powers. She held out her hand and a path of jelly formed across the water's surface. She then thrust her hand out again, using her powers to form the jelly into a glass-like substance. She surfaced next to the path and said, "Go ahead, it's safe, I promise." Tim gingerly set one foot on the path and then the other. He walked across it to the counter and quickly jumped down onto the floor. Kaylee swam under the bridge and over to the bar stools. She sat on one and said, "I'd like an iced water and a burger please." Tim laughed and rested his arms on the counter.

"I think you can handle the water." Kaylee smiled and shook her head.

"No, this is salt water, like the ocean. I made it that way because it feels more like home." Tim gave her a confused look and she explained. "Mako Island and the ocean have felt like home ever since I was changed. Maddie always says that the ocean feels more natural to her too. That's why we have this, our own little ocean. Granted there are no dolphins or sharks, but it'll do."

"Wait, you like the sharks?" Kaylee nodded, "Sometimes. They don't usually bother us, but we can protect ourselves."

"How do you do that?"

"How would you like your dinner to boil the water around you?" Tim made an 'oh' face and then jumped up onto the counter.

"I need to go, I was just seeing if you were okay." He started across the path and Kaylee swam underneath it, visible, but slightly distorted. When they reached the platform, she pulled herself onto the platform. She didn't dry off and left the tip of her tail in the water. Tim sat on the bottom step and studied her, especially the twisted scars around her stomach. Feeling self-conscious, Kaylee started to slide back into the water.

"No, don't!" Kaylee stopped when Tim jumped up and walked over.

"Sorry for staring, I was just thinking about how beautiful you look when you are swimming." Kaylee blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear nervously. She looked up and said, "Thank you." Tim watched as she slid back into the water, and was about about to ask about the scars when she said, "I thought you had to go." She felt bad when she saw the hurt in his eyes, but watched him leave without saying anything. She dissolved the bridge and swam to the underwater tunnel that she had created when she moved here. Using her powers and her necklace, she was able to create a portal to the ocean outside Mako Island. Swimming through, she felt the tug of the magic. She closed her eyes as the water around her flashed, and when the light died, she was outside the underwater entrance to the moon pool. She swam in and pulled herself up onto the sand.

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