Saturday Training

12 1 2

I was at the training hall of taekwondo and I decided not to go for Rondalla because of the following:

1st: I need Bien to be close to ehem!....
2nd: I don't want Bien being hurt just because of my closeness to him!
3rd: Tessa's not their,she's with her father attending her because her grandma passed away
4th: I don't wanna hung out to Logan-kun and Shun-sama for a moment....
I felt like....I'm less 'friend-ed' because of Shun's words...and Logan-kun....he's enjoying talking to me and I'm being annoyed already...why can't he move on?! That IS a survival victory anyway so...I'm not much interested but..yeah,I enjoy it...and I'm calling Shun-sama, Recca now!...I guess that's enough?

Taekwondo-9-11 A.M
Stretch that,stretch this...that's all then....kick practice?! Ok...good,now some action! Not like what we did on Thursday...
I kicked right feet to left I don't know what it's called then...walk while kick of course,I'm still slow...and now some time passed,some sets passed and...look what I did....I over-kick it..."it" flew away....ooppssiieess! Hehe...I kicked too much strength on it...
Then some 1-1,2-2 to 5 then...walk upto 10 kicks....then...another set...another set....
My strength is slowing up....then...boom!
Sis Angel keep her guards down..but this time it didn't flew away..great!!
Kick kick
Kick kick's finished!!!
You didn't know how much set is it!!!!!!!
I'm full of's kind of enjoying...and I hope tomorrow would be like this again!

I am so fired up!!!!!!!!!

But then when I come home I've got no chance but to review...-_-
1:Hydrogen H
2:Helium HE
3:Lithium LE
30:Zinc ZN
I've managed to survive the first 30!!! But then....
Immiscible solution....Suspensions....Colloids....
Pivoy joints....Ball and Socket...
What the fudge?! I'm gonna memorize 30 elements and 2 lessons today?! Aagghh!!!
Luckily I finished all of those from 4:30-6:30....2hours....
Ugh....ugh....I missed them....
WHAT?! JUST 1 DAYS PASSED AND I MISSED THEM ALREADY?! WHAT?! It's just...I've developed more love for them than of my parents because I've spent more time having fun with them than my parents who want my time spent-studying...and guess what?!
I'm not allowed to leave the house...I'm a prisoner here....
No foods...
No fun.....
No tablets....
No drawings....
But only...
That's why,I've grown more love for my friends than them....they take me as a prisoner only....and then...since they are allowing me to come out the house at 4pm....I don't wanna go because I'll be going back to house with an unfinished business....-this science...
And then...tonight...I heard what they said...
(I'm at my room rhino/right now)
"Cockroach" My brother said
"Why did you even been a guy/boy if your a scaredy cat?!" Replied my mom well,first of all,he is a scaredy cat like:
1st: He don't wanna go out the house because he is being chased by big stray dogs probably because when he runs...dogs' saying 'ah dude! His footsteps means to go chase him"
●Dogs is being controlled by the owners'/Person's footsteps or moves...if your calm,even how many dogs you have for a walk they would calm theirselves too
2nd: He's afraid at dark you know why? Because;
We got 2nd floor and we have each rooms..I've got my own room It's only mine!!! His and 1 room for my mom and dad and guess what?! I have to go first coz' he's afraid of the dark and when I'm upstairs opening the lights by then he would come up! If he is excusing not to go first upstairs he would actually go open the fridge and drink and if I drink too he goes CR until I am tired of his game and was forced to go up by myself!!!
3rd: He don't wants taekwondo....I even beat him up,sometimes
4th: He's scared at everything....specially when he can't sleep like what happened last time:I was still awake by 10pm and saw him stalking me "hey,you awake?" He said "no I'm not,I'm sleeping already,that's why I'm speaking to you" I replied...he keeps stalking me minutes by minutes...and then on the 5th time I didn't reply...and then he grabbed his pillows and then when he came here I said "Go away!"....and then he continued his game "stalker" until 12pm...and of course I didn't give up! I won't let him to. Coz' this is my OWN room!


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