Extension Tuesday

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I know sports fest is over but I'm gonna do a really short rewind about Shun's serve on Volleyball Goddamnit! You Shun!!!! Why are you so perfect?!?! Except for 1 thing....ehem*
Shoot these brain,I hate you so much too....for hurting everyone I know....WHY?! WHY CAN'T I EVEN AVOID A FIGHT?! IN A SINGLE DAY?!?!?! My owner doesn't want me,I'm gonna go to Tessa's....Wait! Brain!!! I need you!!!!! Come back!!! Godedamnit! Sooo...I'm gonna chase after my brain so....SHUN!!!! TAKE OVER HERE!!!!
Shun: huh?
Luna: just go already! my brain is....
*Luna looks
Luna: in the bus already?!?! Damnit! Bye!!!!?
Shun: what does she said?
*bus leaving
Luna: just....*catches brain....tell...the...*wwhoooossshh!!!! GOTCHA!
*bus,turning to other side
Luna: Haha! I got you now,brain!! Wait...I made...a terrible decision is stepping here.....
(Reader: hhhmmmm?)
TESSA: bwahaha!!!!
Shun: ppfftt,car sickness
Logan: ......?
Luna: *blehcbdmiehdndkc
Shun: she threw up....
Tessa: uuhhh....bus!!! Stop!!!!!
Driver: were still 1km till next bus stop,miss
Luna: I'm getting off! *steps at the window
Shun: haha! Go Luna!!!!
Tessa: WTF! What are you gonna do?!
*Luna jumps
Tessa: Wait a second!
Shun:......1 second done!
Tessa: WTF Shun
Luna: owudbdkduehmd
Logan: aahh,guys,you know that this 1km bus stop is right in the middle of the forest of Sunshineland which buses stop there once a day,right?
Tessa: WHAT?!
*Shun pushes Tessa
Tessa: WTF,SHUN!!
(Logan on the bottom and Tessa ontop of Logan)
Well,That is our topic today
Damnit,Shun!!! Get off here! I'm gonna take it over from here!
Okay...I am SOOO SSOOO sorry for bragging earlier that I serve beter than Shun,Shun! I am Sooo soo sorry,I'm gonna kneel at you tomorrow do not worry,well I do think that's the only way though...haha

So Tessa said Shun's serve while I was gone is like near the edge of our gym...so.....sorry....but the important thing here is....IT'S MY FIRST TIME!!!!!! KYYAAAHHH!!!! Well,Shun you always play sports...-_- damn you...you always beat me at everything that's why I always brag if you lose to me....I kinda feels jealousy run to my veins now..no one know how my jealousy works coz' I didn't show it to anyone but....to myself...so,If I die,you can view my....letters....
Luna: And then.....here he goes again...-_-
I would never said I tripped over....
God damnit,Brain!!! Can you keep some secrets?!
Brain: but I was the one running you...
Just shut up already
That's why I don't want Shun around when I'm doing stuffs,1st trained...-_- he always gets to humiliate me...he always laugh at me and embarrassed me....T_T no really.....no one knows me...even my parents....and...me.....myself...and...I
Ok,so....aaahhh!!!! Okay! Okay! I dunno what to say! I saw Shun
W/O a shirt,ok...but...I have no eyeglasses so....I could forget about that not long
~ 1 hour later
.....some days?
~week passed
Damn this....

So...did I forgot something? Tessa? Ok BYE!!!!

Please comment if it fun or if it sucks,We would do our best to entertain you! And at the same time....if you had any truth or dare guts....COMMENT ME!! AND WE'LL DO IT FOR REAL!!!
Except for maybe this things?
~matured stuffs
And..SHUN!!!!! SINCE you didn't done anything good about a moment ago...you know what's your part
Shun:....a part? Or a fart?
Luna: just go back there,idiot...TESSA!!!! LOGAN!!!!
Both: yes?
Luna: say it to them!
Tessa and Logan:
New recruits!!! Michael Mentorouge,Bodge-Kun's cousin
We did not know him....we aren't even classmates!!!
Ally-chan,Bodge-Kun,Trixxie,Alexander and Kirito:
Did we miss something?
Shun: yeah....pffftt....everything
Shun: I....got....ppffftt....a video of Luna threwing up on the bus....pppfffttt.....😂😂😂😂
Shun: No way! I'm gonna keep this so I would laugh everyday
Tessa: Is it even not corny?
*tessa watches vid
Tessa: hey,hey,pass me that....on my CP
Luna: Really?!
Ally-chan,Bodge-Kun,Trixxie,Alexander and Kirito:
Pppfffttt!!!! Lemme watch it AGAIN!!!!
Luna: stop it

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