Sunday hurts so much

16 1 5

Sunday hurts so much.....coz...

we did muscle training....

50 PUSH-UPS!!!!

Then some exercise with push up but partner holds your feet-50
Partner controls your knee then your front(head to tummy)body up-50
Hold onto partner's feet,feet up to partner's reach,partner push your feets but be careful of touching the ground-50
Run with your hands on your head while low position(like a frog)-3 sets
Jump with your hands on your head while low position-3 sets
Stand on the wall,partner get your feets up as you can...and more than you can....ooww....that's the most painful thing on Earth!
Then finally sparing.....

Seems like a short easy one,but lemme tell you,it's not.....

Then at home....

MEMORIZE SCIENCE!! know what's the result of the training?

Even for me,it's painful to even step for a walk...REALLY!
IT HURTS!!!!!!!!!

And....I was beginning to absent.....
For real,it does hurt...
Lemme say that a hundred of times....

Well,you's for you but I'm a beginner...and a totally the opposite....but...those red belters were as tired as me!

Bleh to that Shun!!!!! I have to write these down?

It's night,at my room and.....

Hhmmm....I wonder why I'm doing this....this for Bien....
But then.....
How many times do I have to fell in love?!
How many times do I have to learn this lesson?!
What lesson is this exactly?!
How many times do I have to be pretty?!
How many times do I have to be smart?!
How many times do I have to be athletic?!
How many times do I have to fake a smile?!
How many times do I have to hurt myself?!
How many times do I have to pretend?!
How many times do I have to be just to be the perfect type for him?!
How many many I NOT confess?!
There is so much "How many times" going on my head...and guess what?! It all came out without me thinking!

And then.....
Lesson,huh? What exactly lesson is this?
Do I have to give up?
Or....should I fight?
.....this right....

I do like do love him.....
●No one ever noticed that I was really joking when I said I liked my chess tutor,Kuya Carlos....but it was fake,dude,I'm loyal!
But then.....Bien...I'm so sorry
But I have to fight....
Love is a battlefield....yes...that's right...
Sometimes I lose and win....right!
I decided to fight.....YES!

this is the lesson,Lord gave me!
This is it!
I was of joy saying these things...

So...I decided to write these here...
So bye!!!!

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