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Hey guys! What up? Just deciding maybe some readers would give up reading far so good and it's really funny giving the memories back to me!!! So far so good coz' there's an...I dunno how to explain this what method of 234 reads and 36 votes and yey! This is our 26th chapter!!! So far so good that my love life is messing up...but yet I have a reserved answer for it..

At the morning I rose up to find a very irritating schedules
8-11am: Read and memorize Science
1-5pm:To the school with Ma'am Len reviewing me...
So I was done already at 10:24am
And I texted Tessa
Tessa: What up?
Luna: You updating?
Tessa: yeah and it's kinda hard updating and talking to mom and you at the same time though
Luna: oohh...sorry bout that
Then 1pop come
It was Ainsley...the him of horror WTF?! "Horror"?! Just kidding he just wanna be punch on Monday,he requested that anyway was Tessa sending some kind of video to me...
Tessa: I was damn blah blah blah....then I heard a familiar voice and then boom! It WAS Shun!
Shun: -_-
Luna: uhh...ok bye
Tessa: He's texting you...right now
Lil Brother(A/N: Shun's nickname on messenger is lil brother to me ) hey what's up Lunarcy?
Luna: Lunarcy...really? Look at ur nickname
Shun: (emoji only)😭😭😭
Shun: just kidding
Luna: 😑😐😑
Then he started off laughing with no apparent reason!! He just have an emoji with full of "😀😀😀😃😃😄" then a message full of "hahahahahha" then "bye"
Then boom! I was off to get ready..
I have some darn bad scores
23/40 damn it!
15/20 yey! Improved!!!
13/20 really?...I mean...really? -_-
15/15 REALLY?! This is the last countdown for the Science5 book and just..right now?!! Only right now I have a perfect score?!?! Damn it...
Then I got AM then I received a text from Shun..
Shun: Sup doug
Luna: ....I dunno how to answer
Apparently yes...I dunno how to..coz' I dunno what to do bout that review here..I typed it
Luna: How about you?
Shun: Fine..
Then at the chatroom with all the G6
I am still wandering why Shun seems to be so happy and been in a good mood? Apparently maybe he would dance "Trumpets Challenge" at Laguna tomorrow? Maybe?
Luna: Who the heck is Dailycute?!
Shun: yeah....
Luna: ohhh....I see....
(A/N: Everyone!!! Type @dailycute at messenger there's something that would come out! With cute animals and stuff with funny words)
Luna: @dailycute
Dailycute: sent a photo
Luna: ahaha!
Luna: Try it Shun!
Luna: The dogs are so cute!!!make it opposite!
Shun: ha?
Luna: 😑seriously,what is it now?
Luna: Try it Shun!!!
Shun: huh? What?
Shun: bye
Luna:...he didn't get anything I said about trying that!!!!

Tch,seriously texting me like that is a huge mistake...Coz' I'm on a stealth mode when he texted hahaha and 😀😀😃😃😄 what kind of conversation is that?!?!

And now...all scared at my own room dark and all..with a cough and a cold....maybe tomorrow it would turn into fever😐

Tomorrow I got a scheduled Taekwondo-9to11 Am and review at school 2pm so...I'll probably do my best not to get embarrassed and be worried....

All schedules tied up:
Whole day review at Ma'am Len's house

Really!! I would forget updating but don't lose hope everyone!!!! Bye!!!!

Sorry for the lame today!!!
(T Or d (truth or dare) is still open!!!! Come on!!!)
Follow Recca Shun Kuso on Facebook at his not so true account- Lair Broz Timothy Balmes
And Tessa on-Dasha Alyssa Marie Navarro!!!-
It's they're account!!!! XD
Hackers not allowed!!!!

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