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Chapter Seven

One of the dangers of being in a school of magic, was that classes tended to be a bit more difficult and accident-prone than Muggle classes.

Anthony's jinx accidentally hit her from behind in Charms, and she had to be spirited to the Hospital Wing, listening to Madam Pomfrey complain about the dangers of magic and what in Merlin's name would she do should another student show up in the Hospital Wing –

And when Seohyun had finally managed to free herself from Madam Pomfrey's rants she dashed to Herbology, panting and leaning against the door, hot despite the chill that was constantly settled over the air.

Everyone was at work, but Madam Sprout turned back and beamed. "Oh, Miss Park, I got your message from Miss Patil. Good to you right as rain again." Seohyun nodded her appreciation. "We're in threes, so – you'll have to work with Mr Malfoy and Mr Zabini for this lesson, at least."

Seohyun stiffened beside the doorway, her eyes swinging at once to the pale blonde hair that stood out from amongst all the other students.

His head and snapped up too, at the mention of his name, as did Blaise's. Their eyes locked on her, zoning in on her. No emotion, just blankness, before they returned to their work.

So much for a warm welcome.

Seohyun nodded once before, hitching her satchel more securely over her shoulder, she made her way to the sation. On the way who passed Padma, Anthony, and Terry, who looked at her with such sorrow that it was almost like they were at her funeral.

She dumped her books by the workstation and mustered a smile at the two boys. "I'm sorry if I'm inconveniencing you," she mumbled.

Draco glanced up once again. And they were closer than they'd been in weeks, since that night on the Astronomy tower, and Seohyun was seeing Draco in new light.

He was paler than she remembered, the bags under her eyes darker. There was a tightness to the lines of his skin, his eyes distracted and unfocused.

He looked unwell – more than just a little under the weather. He looked sick.

But he still smirked, a telltale of arrogance to his features. A mask, a façade, to hide who he really was. "As long as we end up passing the course, you're no inconvenience."

Seohyun blinked. "I'm not sure how to take that..." she murmured, and flicked her hair over her shoulder. "But thanks."

They were retrieving Snargaluff pods from the said plant that lesson. Seohyun eyed the plant with distaste as she pulled her long hair back into a braid. She wrinkled her nose. "Who would want one of these in their garden?" she muttered under her breath. "It's ugly. And would be a pain to look after."

She thought she heard the faintest snicker from one of them – apparently, her voice hadn't been as quiet as she first thought – but when she looked up, both of their faces were impassive.

Draco. She bet it was Draco. She caught Blaise giving him a knowing look.

Her hair now tied in a knot behind her, Seohyun gazed at the plant in front of her like a challenging opponent. "This will be fun. Let's do it."

Sure enough, as soon as they reached for the plant, it responded. Branches like tentacles shot out and attacked; the long, prickly, bramble-like vines flew out and whipped through the air like a mother protecting its child. Seohyun was glad she had tied her hair up as it aimed for her plait; she knocked it aside with her glove. Opposite her, Draco caught two and tied them into a knot, while Blaise beat several aside. Seohyun gritted her teeth and plunged her hand into the mess, seeing an opening. She winced as she felt a cut on her arm, but her fingers managed to close around the pod and, with a gasp, she withdrew it. As soon as her hands closed over the pod, the prickly vines shot back inside and the gnarled stump sat there looking like an innocently dead lump of wood"

The pod in her hands was a pulsating green thing, the size of a grapefruit. Seohyun pulled a face. Why couldn't magical plants be enchanted to look appealing?

Draco had consulted the textbook and, finishing it, looked up and said "Seohyun, isn't it?" Seohyun smiled, nodding. Draco outstretched his hand. "Hand it over, we need to prick it with something sharp..."

She reached over to hand it to him. Her skin brushed his in the transaction, and small sparks lit up at the touch. She froze, eyes flicking up to him, wondering if he felt it too. His eyes flicked up to her and he smiled lazily, slowly withdrawing his hand.

"Prick," she muttered, and dove at the plant once again.

When they finished, their group managed to snatch five pods from the plant's sharp, steeled defence. It had been a battle, and Seohyun had the matching war wounds: cuts across her arms, some of which were still bleeding.

As the class packed up, Draco paused by her side and said lowly, "You might want to get those cuts checked before the end of the day."

She blinked. "Thanks," she stammered, surprised as he moved past.

She turned around, wanting to say more. But he'd already left, his friends flanking either side of him.

Seohyun shrugged and returned to packing, as Padma's footsteps proceeded her and she ran to Seohyun's side.

"Seohyun, I'm so sorry," she babbled, hugging her, "I didn't think you'd come in this lesson -"

"Padma," Seohyun said sharply, rolling her eyes. Her head snapped up. "It's no problem. It wasn't unbearable."

"But it was Malfoy -"

"And he really didn't bother me. We didn't even speak much... And he told me to look after my cuts." Seohyun glanced down at her maimed arms. Madam Pomfrey was going to have a fit when she saw her for the second time in a day.

Padma pursed her lips into a thin, hard line. Before she could say anything, Seohyun sighed and interrupted, "Padma, I know what you think. But he's not a devil. There's something else."

Padma crossed her arms. "Like what?"

"That," Seohyun said, her eyes following the last glimpse of Draco Malfoy's platinum hair, "Is what I want to find out."

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