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Chapter Eight

Christmas cheer hung high in the air; with the mistletoe in the corridors and the fresh coating of snow of the school grounds, it was like the castle was drunk on the spirit of the festive season. The spirit of the holidays infected every student inside the castle's walls as they talked eagerly about holiday plans. Girls tried to corner boys under the mistletoe, and the Great Hall was decorated by twelve large Christmas trees.

The atmosphere was heightened as that night was Slughorn's Christmas party. As part of his select group of students, Seohyun had been extended the invitation. Though she felt uncomfortable knowing that several others would be missing out, she wasn't about to say no to a party.

It was this buzz that had her skipping down the castle corridors, smiling as she imagined her outfit for that evening, and the food, and the rumours that there would be a vampire. How fascinating, Seohyun thought, skipping along. She'd never seen a vampire – would he be very distinguishable? How would he fit in with a crowd of humans?

She hummed under her breath, lost in thought; only to be brought back to earth as she passed a door, and heard someone crying inside.

Seohyun froze, every joint in her body locking up. She backtracked to the door and noted it to be the boy's bathroom. She hesitated, unsure what to do. It was the boy's bathroom – she couldn't just walk inside.

But someone was crying inside, and no one else was in this corridor. Seohyun cast an anxious glance around. She felt decidedly uncomfortable leaving someone who was obviously distraught on their own.

Seohyun drew in a shaky breath. There was nothing wrong with it, right, if she was just ensuring that someone was alright?

"Hello?" she called at the door. One hand rested on the doorknob as she hovered uncertainly outside. "Are you okay?"

All sounds inside at once stopped at her voice.

Seohyun knocked softly on the door and pushed it slowly open. "Hey, I'm Seohyun -"

She opened the door just as the figure inside ran up to it, grasping it and moving to slam it closed. But they caught each other's eyes before it closed between them, and Seohyun gasped to see the person it was.

It was Draco – but as unlike him as she'd ever seen. His eyes were red, traces of tears still on his cheeks. Those eyes turned wild upon spotting Seohyun, and he hastily wiped his face to clear it of tears, turning his face away from her.

Seohyun's heart went out to him. 

"Draco, please, let me -" she begged, reaching out to rest her hand on his shoulder.

But he pushed his way passed her, leaving Seohyun to gasp and clutch her books to prevent them from spilling out of her arms and watch him leave, disappearing in the crowd.


"You look gorgeous," Padma sighed. She lay across her bed, chin propped up in her hands as she took in Seohyun's outfit. "I wish I could join you."

Seohyun checked her reflection once more in the mirror. For Slughorn's Christmas party, she'd opted to return to her traditional Korean hanbok as an outfit. She smiled at her reflection and smoothed out a crease in her skirt. Hanbok wasn't exactly the easiest thing to wear, but for a minute, she felt like she was back in Korea again. It reminded her of home, of her heritage, and that was priceless. Her hair, too, was twisted in a traditional knot at the back of her head.

Seohyun was excited about the party. She'd decided to put the memory of Draco behind her for now and instead of dwelling upon it, thoroughly enjoy the evening at hand.

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