twenty one

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Chapter Twenty-One;

Seohyun thought she was going insane.

Half stupefied, Draco had led her through the manor corridors to her new room. She didn't remember much of it. The pain had consumed her attention and, moreover, the mere knowledge that she had been branded with the most feared and terrible of Marks made her skin feel scalding; a burn that would never fade. Ink had seeped into her veins, staining it permanently, as dark and empty as a starless night sky and spreading throughout her body, lowering her temperature to the same as outer space.

"The pain has shocked her," Draco explained to anyone he saw. "She'll be right as rain after she sleeps it off."

Apparently such a reaction was common enough that no one questioned it.

When they entered the room, all Seohyun comprehended was the bed she sat on. Her eyes remained glued to her arm, staring at the area her sleeve hid the new mark, identifiable by the constant itch on skin.

She was shaking, she was barely able to breathe, and she felt like screaming. She felt unclean. She wanted to cover her body in water and soap and scrub the area of her arm until the mark came clean, though she knew it was impossible. She drew in ragged lungful after lungful of air, feeling as though metal bars were tightening over her chest, making each breath more difficult to inhale than the last. She was sobbing; dry, aching sobs, tears staining her cheeks and dripping into her lap.

The entire time, Draco sat next to her, an arm wrapped loosely around her waist. His other hand held her own, on which he drew reassuring circles on the back of her hand. "I am so, so sorry Seohyun," he whispered, over and over again as Seohyun cried into his shoulder. "I never wished for this – I never should've let you get close to me. Forgive me Seohyun, I cannot tell you how sorry I am to bring this upon you –"


Seohyun grabbed his shirt and squeezed her eyes closed. When she spoke, her voice was barely above a croak.

"You warned me not to leave, and I didn't heed your advice." She sagged against his body. "It's all on me."

"Oh, Seohyun." Draco wrapped his other arm around her body and pulled her close. "It'll be okay. We'll get through this together. I won't let you be alone, I promise."

His voice wavered, too, and she could feel his body tremble lightly against her own.

They stayed there, Seohyun clutching onto his shirt for dear life, while he held her gently and rubbed her back, occasionally whispering reassurances in her ear. The solitude was now welcome, because she was away from everyone, away from the monster who shared residence in this house, though a part of her feared he could see through walls and was spying on them at that very moment, witnessing her weakness, her fear, and her obvious stance against him.

With her head buried in Draco's chest, Seohyun was oblivious to time passing around her. All she knew was the familiar, light scent of peppermint that accompanied Draco wherever he went; the softness of his shirt's fabric; the warmth of his body. Seohyun pressed herself into that warmth now, trying to chase away the chill that pierced even her bones.

After a lengthy pause that could easily have been either minutes or hours, Draco sighed and went to stand up. "It's getting late. I need to sleep -"


Draco paused. Seohyun gripped his shirt in a tighter grip and slowly lifted her head. Her puffy eyes rested on his grey ones, which too showed signs of tears, and a concern so obvious it was like looking into the sky to search for sun.

"Can – can you stay tonight?" she pleaded in a whisper. She sounded so young, like a little girl who had had a nightmare. Only this time, the nightmare was reality. "Please?"

Being completely alone would remind her only too much of being cooped up in that earlier room, a room that was so cold and empty and devoid of atmosphere.

He smiled softly, sadly. "Of course. I won't let you be alone."

Seohyun had no pyjamas, so she clambered under the covers in the clothes. Silk, she vaguely noted, as the material brushed against her little bare skin. Of course. Nothing more than the best for the Malfoys.

Draco lay beside her. He also remained fully clothed in his robes, despite his own pyjamas undoubtedly being present in the manor. He was taking his promise not to leave her very seriously.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Draco asked softly.

Seohyun shook her head. "For now, just stay. I'll try and paint tomorrow or – or something."

Something colourful, something full of life and passion, something that was the opposite of this cold home – something that was the opposite of the ink-black mark etched permanently on her skin. Something that was the opposite of the bleak situation she found herself in.

"Hey." Draco cupped her chin. "I'm going to look after you. I promise. You're never going to be alone from here on."

Seohyun's eyes fluttered closed at the gentle touch. "Thank you. I'll endure this."

"You won't just endure it," he said fiercely. "You'll survive it. You're so strong, Seohyun. Stronger than I ever was."

"Don't be ridiculous -"

"I love you, Seohyun, I'll make sure to protect you."

Seohyun froze. Her heart froze, and her lips parted slightly as she gasped.

"What did you say?"

Draco's pale skin made his flush all the more obvious.

"Nothing," he stammered.

Seohyun shook her head. "You said you loved me."

Draco lowered his gaze.

"I – I do," he mumbled. "And I know it's not likely you reciprocate that, after everything, but know at least that I care -"

"I love you too, Draco."

The words came out as little more than a whisper, but Draco heard them.

Draco drew in a breath. "After everything?"

Seohyun smiled sadly. "You didn't mean it. You were trying to protect me – and I appreciate that, I really do." She leaned her head in closer to his. "Thank you."

He laughed and before she knew it, Draco clasped the back of her head and captured her lips in a chaste kiss.

It lasted barely a second, but her lips tingled, the ghost of it lingering. She snuggled closer to Draco and allowed his arms to wrap around her, keeping her together, granting her warmth in a time where it seemed void.

She felt safe in his arms, as though a protective shield was wrapped around her. He was her light in the dark.

"I swear to you, Seohyun," he whispered in her ear. "I will never abandon you. You were always there for me. Now I'll be there for you."


a bit of fluff to make up for the angst, i think we all need it (and it's about time am i right?????)

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