9. Told you so

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This chapter is dedicated to @BTRMusic24! :)

                                                                          CHAPTER 9 : Told you so

"But why, Dad?" I asked while getting down from the staircase. My slipped down along the smooth railing as I hopped my way down to the ground floor, where dad was standing. It was a traditional school day that day with a very vacillating Ryan by my side. He had been acting so offbeat lately that my concern towards him was flourishing at an alarming rate. One moment, he would be right there by my side like a contagious disease and in the next second, he would be keeping his distance like I suddenly turned into a disease.

When I came home in the afternoon that day, dad told me that we had to go to a dinner. I got all jumpy initially but then I later learned that it wasn't going to take place at a restaurant, like I was hoping it to be, but at someone's house.

"It's important, princess. You need to socialize with your potential partners if you seek success." Dad answered. He went to the kitchen now where Marie was cooking something, like always. She was always cooking something. Our own Master Chef.

"Um. Not me." I paused. I pointed my finger toward me and then to Dad, saying "You. And my lovely father, did you just noticed that you are forcing me into doing something I have no interest in whatsoever, because I remember a great man once told me to only do what your heart craves for." I mocked, referring to his own words he passed on during his long speech he gave to us when Sage was having troubles while opting for her career options.

"You are starting to pay attention to my words now a days, Jady, and that too, a lot more than necessary." He chuckled. Ways to end a conversation, Dad.
"Do I have a stand against my father?" I chuckled, grabbing the water bottle from the refrigerator. 
"Okay then, get dressed quickly. Won't be nice to keep the Matthews waiting." As he spoke the words, I spitted the water that was in my mouth with surprise.
"Well, that was disgusting." he pointed at while I stood there with my clothes slightly wet by the impact.
"We're going to Ryan's house?" I asked, like there was only one family with Matthews as their last name. 

Dad narrowed his lids as his mind wandered around his thoughts when he finally said,"Yes, I guess that was the name of their son. But how do you know that?"
"He goes to the same school as me." 
"Well, that gives you another reason to accompany me there. At least you would be familiar with him there." he patted my shoulder and made his way to his room.

I turned to my heels when I heard him say from his room,"And Jade, tell your sister to get ready too." .

Coming face to face with Sage's door, I knocked on it and informed,"Hey Sage, we've to go to someone's house for dinner so get ready."

The door opened at that moment and she came out,"Well, you look better now."
"Yeah, got the meds at time so no need to worry." I announced. She nodded her head and asked,"Where are we going again?"
"To Ryan's house, his parents are dad's friends and colleagues." she arched her eyebrows at my statement, looking confused as hell, when she asked again,"Who's that?"
"He's a guy who goes to our school? Don't you know him? He's a senior as well." I stated with my eyes wide open. She didn't even remember him even after he was well known face around the school. That's my sister for you! She was too engaged in her won bubble to look outside it, which could be a good trait sometimes. Maybe it ran in our family, everyone was just so unobservant, including myself.

"Well, now that you know it, get inside and start getting dressed." I lightly pushed her inside and asked her what she was going to wear. We talked about it for a moment when she began to repeat my words, just for the sake of annoyance.

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