Chapter 2

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I hate this part. Having to wake up at 5:00 every single morning. My dreams escape me and I have to deal with reality, it is not my best friend at all.

After waking up I slowly slid out if mani's grasp and I went to the huge walk-in closet and found my work out clothes. I put them on before taking my phone off the charger and getting my headphones from the nightstand drawer. I attached my key to the apartment to the laces on my shoe heading out of the door toward the elevator making my way outside.

Going for runs every morning at this time is the only thing that calms me yet it scares me. I'm afraid of one thing and one thing only... My husband.

I know you're probably wondering. Why do I have a girlfriend when I'm married. You see if you knew the things my husband Travis did to me you would date someone who treated you better too. Normani knows about my situation and she understands. Travis is the worst person on earth. He's abusive physically, emotionally and even sexually.

I hate leaving Normani's place because I never know when or if I will come back. Sometimes I when I go home to Travis I won't see mani for 1 to 2 weeks at a time.

I get tied to a bed, I get the shit beat out of me, he rapes me and trust me it hurts like hell but I have to deal with it. I want to divorce him but I'm scared because I don't want Normani put into the middle of this. It's my job to take care of it... I'm kind of doing a bad job.

As I'm running I feel my breathing get faster. I stop what I'm doing as I began having a panic attack. I lean against a brick wall trying to catch my breath and I tear rolls down my cheek, my heart beating like a drum as blood rushes to my ears. I couldn't stop thinking about the things that could happen to me.

Every time I go outside I have to watch my back because he could be right around the corner or in a car just watching me suffer. I'm so tired of living in fear!

I wiped my tears away as I heard my phone ring.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Baby girl? Are you still on your run?" Normani asks.

"Yeah I'm on my way back" I say breathing heavily.

"Are you crying?"

"N-no I'm fine baby I-I promise." I say.

"Y/N your a terrible liar."

"Ugh I'm fine ok! I'm on my way back." I say.

I didn't mean to yell.

"Woah there.. Ok then I love you bye."

"I love you too." I say hanging up making my way back.

It's true I do love Normani with all my heart I just need to get away from Travis. I hate him so much. How is the one that's supposed to love you more than anything is the one that hurts you the most.

As I reach the apartment building more tears roll down my cheek as the summer breeze hits my skin. The doorman opens the door for me

"Good morning Y/N." He greets.

"Good morning Sammy." I reply.

I walk inside getting in the elevator going up to the 21st floor. I got off reaching the door to the penthouse Normani and I somewhat share. As I unlock the door and open it the smell of food fills my nose... Ugh I'm not even hungry.

I walk inside shutting the door closed and locking it quickly before taking a deep breath. Walking down the hallway I get to the kitchen to see my beautiful girlfriend wearing nothing but boxers and a sports bra. I walk toward her wrapping my arms around her waist resting my head in her shoulder.

Scared Of Happy (Normani/You)Where stories live. Discover now