The "normal" day

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"What time is it? Omg I'm going to be late for school! Hey mom, can you grab my book bag for me?" Annabella said. "Mom? Mom? Oh well she must have gone to work early."

Hi my name is Annabella and I'm 14 years old ( well at less I was). I go to Zaconan Jr. High. I have like 5 friends in the whole school and I'm the very opposite of "the popular girl". That was my good life, until the day.

"Hi Mr. Harison!" Usually he would say hello back but today he didn't. I was the first one the route to our school so no one else was on the bus. I sat were I normally did and waited for my friends to get on. The bus smelled off today. instead of a faint leather and plastic smell, it had a faint smell of butterscotch. Oh how I love butterscotch! "Hey Mr. Harison, I love the new smell of the bus!" I shouted out to the bus driver. he didn't even look up.

Today in school everyone acted like I wasn't there. Even my best friend! What was wrong with people today! It was lunch time so I sat by my friends. I wasn't hungry so I didn't get any food. Which was strange because I skipped breakfast too. " Have you seen Anna today?" said Amber. "No and she wasn't on the school bus ether." Said Sally. "Hello I'm right here! Hello!! Hello!!! You know what, if anyone doesn't speak to me in the next 24 hours I'm never talking to you guy again!" I stomped of and ran home. I was sick of having people not acknowledge my existence. "Oh great now there are cops at my home now to! What a great day today! They probably got called because I ran out of school. Now mom is  going to ground me for a month!" I walk in. Mom is sobbing on the couch. "Mom what's wrong?!?" She doesn't answer. "Great, you to are ignoring me!" I stomp up to my room to only find 10 police officers in my room hovering over something in my bed.

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