Chapter 2: My questions of the haunted house

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“Sister. Sister wake up! You’re going to be late for church! Zoey!”

“Oh, sorry Lee…w-what time is…it? Ugh.”

“7 O’clock! Church starts in an hour!”


After finally shaking the drowsiness I got up and did the usual morning stuff; taking a shower, brushing my teeth, eating breakfast, getting dressed, all that good stuff. You know the drill. I looked outside and the sky looked normal again. It worried me for a moment however I just shrugged it off. Later getting into my car and backing out there was a shadow of a man behind the car.

“Hey! Get the heck out from behind my car stupid!” I yelled.

When I got out to confront this…this weird man he disappeared right in front of my eyes. I stayed in a shocked state for a moment, not even getting a chance to say anything else. Was that a ghost I saw standing in front of me? Or was this same guy I keep seeing over and over again? I sighed and returned back into my car and drove off to church. Still kind of shaken up I got out of my car in the parking lot. Looking around I saw my sister with our parents who just now got here. My mother was wearing her beautiful dress that she got last summer from Italy, accessorizing it with pearls. My father who, was quite regal, wore his usual eighty dollar suit (I just you catch the hint that my family are wealthy people in disguise). Walking in with them I began to think about what that message was talking about. For that matter all the messages I’ve been getting. Why me? Why am I the only one seeing these weird visions? Are my friends experiencing this too or is it just me? Not looking where I was going, I bumped up against my father.

“Zoey, are you alright?” said my father as he turned around.

“S-sure dad. I-I was just…” before I could say anything else, I saw that same mysterious man, sitting in the front row. I knew it was him because he had the same features the previous times I’ve seen him. Though I couldn’t see his face I knew I felt his eyes piercing into mine; a spine numbing, bone chilling stare. My lips trembled as well as the rest of me. I was in deep paralyzing fear.

“Honey, you don’t well. You should hurry and sit. Do you need water? A fan?” said my mom with a very concerned tone.

Feeling his stare and feeding me the same message over and over to me to the point passed out. Everyone in the church roared in awe and worry for me. I felt like I couldn’t wake up. Everyone scrambled around to look for towels, water, and their bibles. Some called the ambulance, some began to pray, some just stood there, while others quickly spread rumors that I was possessed by a demon and can’t handle anything holy. Out of all the terror and worry I could only hear one voice.

“Get up! Stop being weak and get up. I told you to go the haunted house and now they know where you are!”

“W-who are you? What do want from me? Why me? Am I the only one like this?”

Heh, you ask too many questions. Instead of asking me, why not just find out for yourself. Follow me to the haunted house.”

“Wait! You mentioned other people are after me right? Who are they?”

“You’re wasting too much time! Fine, if you won’t get up then I’ll carry you to the haunted house then!”

I began to feel hands on my waist lifting me up. My head pressed up against his chest. For some reason I couldn’t stop blushing as I felt him hold me closer. Before I could say anything he started to levitate off the ground which made me a little frighten.

Hold on tightly.” he said. We began to climb higher and higher getting closer and closer to the ceiling to the point I was worried we were about to hit it and fall back down on the ground! Scared for my life I held onto him tightly. I also began to feel his heart beat speed up a little when I held onto him.

“Heh, watch this.”  He said with so much confidence in his voice. As soon as he said that we began to look translucent as we gotten closer to ceiling, passing through it like an incoming draft from a door. Looked in awe at what just happened. He flew quick like bird throughout the sky; passing street by street, building by building. I still couldn’t see his face but, I wondered about everyone back at the church. Did they see me just float off? What would my family think? I can’t even believe that this is happening to me and yet I’m the one who’s going through this! I closed eyes and pressed my face up against his chest again. He looked down at me because he felt the moistures from my tears on his shirt.

“Hey. Why are you crying? Is it because you’re afraid of? Or is it you feel like you’ll never have the same life again? I know what your feeling…trust me on that much.”

“ you…?”

“When we get somewhere safe I’ll tell you so, in that meantime, you need to pull it together. They can feel your aching heart and soul. Be strong. Do you think you can do that much?”

We landed right in front of the haunted house. I heard eerie noises coming from it. It looked really different then what it did on Halloween. It looked real. The more I walked toward it, the more I quivered in fear of what might be behind this door. My questions where finally going to be answered…my questions… he turned around and pulled me by my hips close to him. When he reached for the door I thought heard a distant voice.

End of Chapter 2

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