Chapter 6: The entrance to the other world

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His eyes were a beautiful intense orange and his hair was black with blue highlights, long with spikes. His face was incredibly handsome. So this is what Slade looked like without his dark veil around him. I stood there in shock, blushing at him for a few more seconds and then walked closer to him. This is the door, the gateway to his world…I didn’t know what to say after that. What if I went beyond this door? What would be behind it? Am I ready to see it all, the truth? No. I can’t go into this house! I-I’m too scared! What if I die? What if I can never return? I know I’m with Slade but he can’t protect me forever, he has to have someone or something else to protect. As he reached his hand out for me to take hold of it I slapped his hand away in fear and backed up.

“N-No. I can’t go through there. What’ll happen to me? I’m not ready just yet. It’s too soon for me.” I said.

“It’s not like I’ll take you to my world. I know you’re not ready to cross over but you said you wanted answers right? This is where we will meet for now on. Zoey you need to trust me.” Slade replied.


He took his hand and I felt more relax. I knew he would protect me, he done it before. Feeling more confident I gave him the okay to open the door. He opened and we walked in. the atmosphere in run was kind of gothic yet mystical. How it look so old on the outside and so magical on the inside? Slade led me to a room where we could talk. There were so many rooms I thought. Doors upon doors upon doors! And then there was this huge one; the door was huge with many jewels, chains, and spell markings on it. We walked inside this room that was white with two chairs.

“Pretty empty room…” I said trying to start a conversation.

“Yeah. So now since you’re here let’s get started.” He replied. “Zoey congrats, you have entered in a possibly galaxy wide epidemic. Not only you, the people you know, and your planet earth are in this but, hundreds of thousands of worlds are in on this too. Currently, Earth has been selected as a fuel source for a group of beings…my people. It all started eight-thousand years ago. My kind was at first peaceful individuals who invited all species of all sorts on the planet. For those thousands of years, all was well. My people were very quick with different discoveries and making with many individuals out there, however, it all went downhill when our planet was under attack one-thousand years ago. Many were frighten by this attack and many lives were ruined. The higher ups saw this as a horrible weakness, being kind with others that is, and now only sought power to fuel our people. At first this idea was very excellent and highly recommended. But then, over the years it got out of hand; we started invading planets all across the galaxy and stole power in order to make the army stronger. Day by day the troops and the commanders had gotten even more ruthless than before. Countless lives were destroyed unnecessarily, children orphaned all for what? To “help” our people go on? To make sure that we will never fall? Heh, well that’s all said and good until you yourself are doing what are ancestors were trying to avoid. Later on people like me found all of this destruction unfair and not just, so we rebelled. The rebels didn’t want to ruin other species lives ever again so we helped whoever suffered at the hand s of our planets troops. Of course on the other side of this the others found this as an abomination and wanted us to either side with them or with the outsiders. We chose the outsiders thus, leading to a civil war on my planet. This continued until today and is still going. And now you know Zoey.   

(to be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2013 ⏰

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