Not Just My Death.

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Immediately, Renesmee got to her feet, pulling me up.

“What?” I asked Jacob, who, ignoring me, grabbed a whole of Renesmee’s hand and started pulling her along. We rushed down the stairs, the two of them remarkably faster, so by the time I was in the living room, they had joined everybody else in staring at me.

Esme came to my side, putting an arm around my shoulder. “I promise.” She began comfortingly. “We’re going to make sure no harm comes to you.”

“You have my word.”

“Mom, dad, nothing will happen to him, right?” Renesmee was stood in the middle of Edward and Bella and they both had a hand on each of her shoulders.

“Of course.” Bella assured, me as well as her. “He’ll stay safe.”

“We’re going to protect him.” Edward said after, shooting me a firm look.

It looked like Rosalie was about to say something—probably another assurance. Although, judging by her expression, maybe that wasn’t the case—when I cut her off. “Wait. What exactly are you guys talking about?”

“Alice had a vision.” Edward explained slowly. “She saw you being.......” He trailed off suggestively.

“She saw me what?” I demanded.

“She saw you being drained dry.” Rosalie finished, completely unsympathetic. “There’ll be a newborn loose soon, and apparently, you’re going to be one of its starters.”

“No.” Alice whispered. At her word, we all turned to her. She was sat on the corner of the sofa, Jasper rubbing her back soothingly, whilst she had her head in her hands, fingers digging into her chalk skin. “Not one vampire. Two.”

“Two?” Esme gasped. “How can that be?”

“After T-Thomas died, the newborn went off to report to another vampire. An older vampire.” She shook her head, looking pretty shaken up. Well, as shaken up as a vampire could be.

“Wait, I’m not following. You had a vision?” Despite her ominous predictions about my death, I managed to shoot her a comically quizzical look.

Renesmee, not smiling in the slightest, began to explain. “Some vampires have talents. Alice can predict the future.”

I frowned. “Oh. I guess you didn’t cover that in vampire 101.”

Nobody laughed.

“And how did I die?” I said to no one in particular.

“In your bedroom at the group home you’re currently staying at.” Edward said quietly, as if he too was affected by this. “You were left dead on your bed.”

“Oh.” Was all I could say.

“We’ll make sure this doesn’t happen.” A tall, reddish-brown skinned guy who was stood at the furthest corner of the room said. He had a horde of just-as-tall-but-definitely-younger boys around him in a defensive circle.

“And you are?” I asked.

“Sam Uley.” He told me.

I wanted to question him further....I wanted to question everyone further, but something told me this wasn’t the right place or the right time.

“I really don’t get this.”I muttered. Why did everyone look so anxious?

Everybody, vampire, werewolf and human alike, stood in absolute silence for about a few moments until Alice gasped. In a second (actually, in a fraction of a second) everybody was facing her (apart from me, that is. It took me a whole second) She had grown another shade of pale, shaking slightly as her eyes, glazed over and unseeing, stared into the distance.

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