The Beginning of the End

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It seemed the words; one word in particular, had rendered everyone speechless.

Except me.

“Who killed me?” I asked Alice. I just knew that this was a case of who, and not how. I guess in that way of everything that had been happening to me over the past week, we were getting closer to the final hurdle. I just hoped I could clear it.

“Carl,” Alice replied quietly. “His brother too. In the clearing. fought.”

I nodded, already comprehending. I guess I had used my power—all aspects of it—and now Alice knew too. I mentally implored that she keep it to herself.

“Jacob.” I faced him.

He looked slightly surprised that I had addressed him in such a climax, but that defensive look once again became his mask.

“I need your help. Can you drive me somewhere?”

I was trying hard not to think where—I was trying hard to not think of any specifics actually—but Edward said: “no, I’ll do it.”

I shook my head, still looking at Jacob. “It has to be Jacob.”

“And if I decline?” asked Jacob.

I bit my lower lip. “Then I guess I go by myself.”

“Thomas,” said Renesmee, and I knew she was looking at me.

“Don’t,” I said back to her, and my tone must’ve held a decisiveness, because she dropped it and tried with Jacob.

“Jacob....go with him. Please.”

And after a minute, Jacob nodded.

Walk us to the door.

Jacob and I headed outside, Edward right on our trail. When we were beside a smart, sleek vehicle and Edward had thrown Jacob a pair of keys, I swallowed.

“Edward, you should go ahead and start calling those vampires. I, well. If I don’t come back, then you’ll have one less problem to deal with.”

He looked at me with ill-disguised alarm. “Thomas, these heroics theatrics are unnecessary. We’re more than capable of protecting you.”

I shook my head. “It’s not like that, trust me. You do trust me, right?”

He didn’t take a lot of time before nodding, which made me feel a tad better.


We stood there for a little longer as an interconnected three, the vampire, the wolf, and the human, and I tried to say something, but my throat tightened. It would’ve gone along the lines of asking Carlisle to look after my mom, and that I loved Renesmee, and that I thanked them all. But I couldn’t get it out. Because I knew that if I did, it would be goodbye.

“Let’s go,” I said to Jacob finally.

Edward patted the both of us on the shoulder, gave me a long, deep look and sighed.

“Be careful. For Renesmee, for your mother. For all of us”

My response was getting into passenger seat of the car and staring at my lap. Thankfully, Jacob got in soon enough and we were off.

“Where we at?” Jacob asked as he drove out of the parkway and onto the leave-littered road.

“Forks Group Home. But that’s just a pit-stop.”

Jacob handled the steering wheel with dominance, and I kept in silence. I was thinking things through. Carl wanted one thing. As demonstrated, he was willing to go to extraordinary lengths to acquire that thing, like team-up with an organization that incidentally wanted to kill the Cullens, something I wasn’t prepared to let happen. But Carl himself....he wasn’t really that ambitious, was he? Unlike the Volturi. Unlike Aro. But he was powerful. His talent was extremely useful, and I had underestimated it. You see, I had thought it to be mental influence. So, in that case, Bella could thwart it, right? But something wasn’t adding up.

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