Welcomed Intrusions

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By the time I’d reached him, he was in naked human form.

I bent down near his head, aware that Leah—who had also returned to her human state—running towards us. Jacob’s whole body was crooked, and his face was a bloody mess. His nose was broken, I noted bleakly, and his eyelids, folded over his eyeballs, looked puffy. Both his arms were broken, and numerous cuts decorated his skin, some quite deep. It was like what I had seen in the dream, of Leah. Except in this instance, she’s been the one who’d inflicted the damage.

“W-What happened?” stammered Leah. “That wasn’t, I-I didn’t mean to—Jacob, wake up!”

“He’s unconscious,” I said, “and he needs help.”

“But what—,”

“There’ll be time for explanations later, Leah, now go get help!”

She looked at me funny, as if slightly annoyed a person her junior was giving her orders, but then she saw Jacob again and began to run. I looked at Jacob’s leg, and there was a small roll of blue tied by his shin. Thinking it was a pair of shorts, I unfastened it with shaky fingers, and covered Jacob’s crotch area, because it seemed the decent thing to do. Just, hang on, Jacob. I sent the thought to his limp life form, and then looked over my shoulder.

The vampires were still well at it. Carl seemed to be in the—“NO!” I cried out. He hadn’t seen it coming. How hadn’t he seen it coming? Alex had feinted, at which Carl thought was a real attack. He’d launched forward, and Alex had swiftly grabbed his arm, pulling him to the side and launching his teeth at Carl’s neck. With a noise like grinding metal, I watched in utter horror as Carl’s head came clean off, launched into the distance to be left there, forlorn.

And then Alex was looking at me.

There was nothing to keep him away from me—or from Jacob, for that matter,—but I still had some juice left. Alex began sprinting dauntingly towards us. I forced myself to wait a moment, and not start cowering in fear. And then I struck. Carl’s borrowed power hit him square in the face, and I watched that fleshy-pink line form between the centres of our temples.

“Stop moving,” I said.

Alex stilled.

I looked back at Jacob, who was almost tranquil in immobility, caught in that near-dead state—except he was twitching slightly. Was he cold? And then I noticed the blood pooling beside him. I walked to his other side and crouched. The fleshy-pink string of control adjusted itself. Amongst all the many cuts on his chest existed a deep set of jagged holes—bite marks, I considered grimly. Almost fatal, but deep enough to bring blood. And lots of it. Scarlet gushed out of him like no tomorrow, spilling onto the grass. I ripped off an arm from Edward’s shirt, thankful the material was soft enough to do so, and then tore the arm down the seam, ending up with a long piece of rectangular fabric. I carefully folded it several times, and pressed what was now a thick pad against the injury. Exertion of pressure should’ve stopped the blood flow, and it did; only Jacob was losing colour, and wasn’t breathing as much either. I looked up, anxious almost to the point of worry. Help better had better arrive fast.

I gave Alex a quick check too. Apparently, he’d decided to stop struggling and just remain still. He was staring intensely at me. I scrutinised his eyes, startled by their ruby vividness. Weren’t they just a brilliant blue? It didn’t suit him, at all. After a little while, I was beginning to think there was something about him beyond hunger.

“You know you killed your brother,” I said, still pressing on Jacob’s wound. “The only family you had left, gone. And what did you get from it?”

Alex remained motionless, but his expression twitched slightly. I wasn’t trying to taunt him or anything equally as cruel—just try and see through this aggressive enmity.

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