Chapter 1

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I sat on the middle of the three seats truck. The smell was unpleasant but I worried about how I'll need to get new friends and learn the new address which made me forget the awful smell. I hold on tight to my pink teddy bear that I've been sleeping with ever since I was born. My white shoes shined as the sun hit them. I played with the end of my flowery dress trying to be less anxious. The sound of the old truck's door open, scared me. But there stood my father smiling. He was young but seem old maybe due to the fact he had bags under his eyes from the sleepless nights. His shirt had multiple holes and his large hands were scratched because of work. My father was a hard working man. As a child, I always admired him. He would wake up early everyday and came tired from work but still manage to have time for us. He loved me so much and always showed it. My parents are the most caring people I've ever met. I thank God for blessing me with amazing parents like them who love and respect each other.

"We're almost leaving. No te desesperes." My father assured me. I nodded and smiled but that smiled soon faded as I remembered that I'll no longer be living here. That'll need to adapt to another city.

"Papi, do we need to move out?" I asked one more time. He sighed and looked down at his old boots.

"Si mami." He looked up and gave me a warming smile. "Don't worry, our other home is more prettier and safer than this one."

Of course, my six year old naive self believed his words. But I wasn't all that naive. I knew the truth behind this situation. We're not moving because my father believes it's the best for us. It pained him to tell me that the real reason we're moving is because we lost the house. My family like most families in this neighborhood, have economic issues.

My father worked in the fields with his other paisanos. Early in the morning, he would pick up the other men and drive to work. You would think, then your mom stayed home right? No, my mom would, along side the many other women from the neighborhood, would walk to the factory and work on making sure the crops from the fields were packed and ready to be delivered. Before turning old enough to attend kindergarten, I would go with my mom to work and try my best and help her. It helped a little with our economic issues but not much.

"Is everything in the truck?" I heard my mother shout. My father turned around and nodded. "Bueno pues ya estamos listos" My father got in and started the engine. Seconds later my mom came in and closed the door behind her. I took a deep breath and prayed that we make it safe. I felt myself get sleeper and sleeper. I started sneezing as the hot dust of the desert entered the truck.

"Salud." my parents said in union. I looked up and laughed. I snuggled up to my mom as she played with my hair making me fall into sleep.


We finally arrived in the desert known as Hesperia and it was not that much of a change. There was dirt, dry trees and tumbleweeds everyone just like back home. Struggling, I got off the truck and looked around me.

"Amelia ven." My father called for me. He was standing in front of a really green and beautiful tree. Small pink flowers fell off it and that's when I noticed that the tree trunk had stairs. "Mira." My dad lift me up and I was in awe.

"It's a tree house!" I exclaimed. "Apa, let's go in!" I heard my father chuckle and helped me go up the stairs. I walked in and the tree house was bigger than what I expected. The leaves made their way in through the window. It seemed like the owners clean it up before leaving since there was no sign of spiderwebs or dust.

"It's very nice in here. I'm surprised I fit perfectly fine." My father joked. I smiled and continue to look around.

"Apa, can we buy things for it? So ama, you and I can spend time here?" I said eagerly. He kneeled down to be at my height and looked me in the eyes. "Mija, you know we barely have enough for food. Pero one by one, I promise you, we'll fill this tree house with decorations and everything you want. Okay? Pero va tomar tiempo." He said.

"Todo a su tiempo." I said smiling. "Te quiero mucho, apa." I hugged him tight and smiled big.

10 Years • Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now