- Your First Date -

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Stefan: You and Stefan had made it official just over a week ago and your relationship was already out of the honeymoon faze. It wasn't perfect, actually- you disagreed quite frequently.

It was a Saturday evening and you were in your own home for a change.

You live alone due to the sad fact that you have no family. You were actually supposed to be at the Salvatore house this evening but you and Stefan had one of those disagreements earlier this morning so things were a little rocky.

You hadn't really spoke to Stefan since.

You were both very opinionated and stubborn people, so if you disagreed on something important, then what would usually be a regular conversation, would somehow turn into a raging argument.
Your arguments were consistent on topics, the super natural , vervain necklaces, and the most unfortunate topic, Stefan's older brother Damon.

You had spent the day with Caroline, shopping at the mall, distracting yourself the best you could.

You bought a beautiful little black dress with heels to match. Turns out shopping is a very expensive distraction for you.

You twirled around a few times in front of the mirror in your bedroom, admiring your new purchase. It complimented your features and made you feel confident.

"Y/N?" Stefan shouts through your letterbox.

You frown, wondering if you had just imagined your boyfriend shout you, until he calls out for you again. You skip down the stairs, cautiously opening the door after remembering your most recent argument.

You pause, surprised to see your boyfriend standing in your door way, dressed in a suit.

He looked perfect, in every sense of the word.

"Wow." Stefan's eyes rake over you.

"What're you doing here?" You question, your voice monotone.

"I'm here to apologise. I'm sorry I snapped at you for asking what was going on with me and Damon. He's a complete dick and for the record, so am I." Stefan's gaze was fixed on you.

"You look absolutely stunning." He grins.

You blush at the compliment.

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't get involved with you and your brother. What happens between you guys is your business, and for the record, I don't think you're an ass." You smile, leaning forward to wrap your arms around his neck.

"So whats with the suit?" You ask, clearly confused.

Stefan plants a kiss on your forehead before replying.

"I'm taking you for dinner. Now, close your eyes and come with me." Stefan tugs you out the house.


You stop abruptly, this meant you were either at your destination or Stefan had to stop to tie his shoe laces for the fifth time.

"Okay, open them." Stefan beams.

"Wow my vision is incredibly blurry." You say blinking and rubbing your eyes.

"Buon Cibo?! I've been trying to get us a reservation here! They're full booked up for months." You squeal excitedly.

"Well you know I have my ways of persuasion, i wanted to make it up to you."

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