- Another Girl Has Feelings For Him -

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Stefan: Stefan Salvatore was drop dead gorgeous, and didn't every girl in Mystic Falls know it- little did you know that included your closest friend.

"Hey gorgeous." You smile, staring into your boyfriends dreamy yet tired eyes.

A grin crawls across Stefan's face as he wraps his arms tighter around your waist. Pulling you closer to his warm naked body.

"Y/N." Caroline calls from outside of your bedroom door. How the hell did she manage to get in?

"If you ignore her, she'll go away." You whisper.

"I heard that." She whines.

"What do you want?" Stefan queries with a frown

"I need Y/N, it's important."

You roll your eyes while letting out a quiet sigh.

"I'm coming now, feel free to wait downstairs." You slide out of Stefan's tight hold and off the bed.

It's safe to say he was not impressed.


You and Caroline strut down the streets of Mystic Falls, arm in arm. She was actually your best friend, she had been for a while, you told each other everything, every secret, every hookup, every detail.

"Okay so what was so important that i needed to leave my apartment this damn early, Forbes?"

It was 7 o'clock for crying out loud.

"Well, as you know- or i hope you know, it's my birthday in 2 weeks time and i need my best friend to help plan the most amazing party!" Caroline exclaims, squealing almost as she squeezes your arm.

"How could I possibly forget? So where do we start?" You had just reached the benches in the middle of town, and Carolines party planning diary was already out on the to-do list.

"Guest List." She nods, confirming.

"Well thats easy; Bonnie, Elena, Matt, Tyler, Damon, Stefan, and the rest of Mystic Falls." You chuckle.

"Um well actually, maybe not the brothers."

"I understand you not wanting Damon there, but Stefan?"

Caroline averts her eyes from your direction.

"I just think it would be awkward." She shrugs.

"Awkward? Why would it be awkward?" You question her, confused.

"It just would be i guess." Caroline still wouldn't look you in the eyes.

"Just spit it out? I can tell you're hiding something."

"Promise you won't be mad? It's not even a big deal, I swear." She reassures.

"Yeh sure I promise, now please just tell me what's going on?" You quiz the blonde.

"I have like- the tiniest crush on Stefan, but it's nothing! I can't apologise enough Y/N, I would never do anything to jeopardise our friendship or your relationship." Caroline confesses.

You pause for a brief moment, not knowing how exactly to respond to the bombshell your best friend has just dropped on you.

"I uh- I'm sorry, I need to go." You mumble before pulling yourself up and heading back in the direction of your house, but not before taking a quick glance behind you only to see the blonde vampire with her head in her hands.


You walk through your front door, shutting it behind you.

"Hey, back so soon?" Stefan smiles as he plods downstairs to greet you.

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