Madddie and Mackenzie Ziegler got a reality TV show for their family. The Ziegler Zone is mostly about them, since they happen to be the only ones in the family with the last name of Ziegler. The problem is, the other moms and girls are jealous. The...
We arrive at Charleston's and the waiter leads us to a booth. The twins immediately go to color without seeing what they want while the rest of us check the menu.
"Girls, what do you want?" Mom says.
"Chicken nuggets!" They both say.
"They're not chicken nuggets, they're chicken tenders."
"Whatever they are, we want them." Hannah says, not looking up from the kids menu.
1 Hour Later
Greg pays the bill and we walk out, Hannah already getting cranky.
"I can't do it!" Hannah whines.
"Hannah, you've done it before. Just buckle it, sweetheart. If you can't, you need to ask for help." Greg replies.
Hannah starts fussing and Maddie reaches over the very back seat to buckle her car seat.
"Maddie, if you give her what she wants she's gonna get spoiled." Mom says.
"Mom, she's tired. And she was getting annoying. Sophie's asleep."
10 Minutes Later
We get home and Greg picks up Hannah and takes her inside while mom carries the to-go bag and I take Sophie.
After tucking Sophie into bed, I say goodngith to everyone and retreat to my room. I shower, brush my teethx and comb my hair then climb into bed.
"Goodnight world." I say.
The Next Morning
"Girls, get ready for dance! We're late." Mom says through the intercom.
I sit up immediately and get out of bed, going to brush my teeth and get dressed.
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I walk downstairs and grab a granola bar, following Maddie to the car.
Mom drives us to dance and we get out. Normal, boring day. Brynn walks over to hug me, her expression blank.
"What's up?" She says.
"Nothing really."
"I feel like there's something wrong today. It just feels so, empty."
"Yeah." We walk in the studio and Abby turns away from her laptop.
"Alright girls, I'm assuming you know what happened last night." All of us shake our heads and she nods.
"I guess its my job to tell you then. So, a plane was shot down over the Pacific ocean last night. On that plane was..."