1. "just peachy keen, thank you."

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Fuck this, fuck you and fuck the world, Peach Tellefesen thought through her head. She gripped the steering wheel tightly as bitter thoughts soared through her head. She glared out on the road as the rain poured itself on her car.

You can't fire me. You need me! She sped up a bit more. Fuck you. I'm one of your best workers, yet you cut me off because "times were changing"?! Ugh!

"Don't you know that I need this job?" She grumbled to herself. "The Pink Palace is the only place for me, you selfish piece of shit!" She yelled, hitting the dashboard swiftly. She turned left and sputtered out incoherent syllables.

"How could you do this to me?! I've worked there for so long! I need this job!" She cried, tears forming in her eyes. The Pink Palace is everything to me, she thought. It's my only...escape...

Peach sighed warily and saw that she was approaching a bench with two trees next to it. She gulped and slowed down.

Peach stopped right in front of park bench, next to a wilted tree and a large willow tree. She sat there in her car seat for a moment before deciding to head toward the willow tree, running to it to avoid getting wet. When she reached it, she collapsed on the ground and began to sob.

Not only was her job taken away from her, but her parents and her happiness as well. There's nothing in this world I can keep, Peach thought, her sobs subsiding. Anger began boiling up in her. Why is my life the depressing one? Why can't I be happy? She thought, standing up to face the tree.

Depression has taken over my life, she thought sullenly. She rested her forehead on the smooth bark of the tree and let her new formed tears fall again.

I can't speak happy. I can't hear happy. I can't think happy. Peach's breath trembled. What if I can never be happy? She thought fearfully. She pushed her a lock light peach hair behind her ear and sniffed. "God, this is the worst," she mumbled to herself. No wonder people don't like to be around me. How do my family stand me when I'm like this?

Peach shut her eyes. She dug her nails in the tree bark. Maybe I should just end it? She thought. It's not even worth it, this shitty life. What does it have to offer? She brought her hand to her scar-littered arm and raked her nails lightly on them.

It's not like anyone cared, anyway.

Peach shook her head. Come on, Peach. Don't think like that!

Why? Life hasn't done you any good.

Something good can still happen. Eventually.

You can't wait for "eventually". Just end it now.

No, don't!

Do it. Do it now. You have your pocket knife in your car.

Don't do it, Peach!


"ARGH!" Peach groaned loudly. She kicked the tree bark hard and while a string of curses fled her mouth. Suddenly, she heard movement come from behind her. Peach froze. Oh, God...

"uhh...are you okay, kiddo? your, uh, kicking a tree, you know." the voice behind her said. Peach relaxed. Maybe this person wasn't going to hurt her. Peach swallowed thickly.

"Oh, everything's just peachy keen, thank you." She said through gritted teeth. She didn't dare to turn around, for fear that whoever was talking to her, she'd had to explain her tear stained face. And she really didn't want to do that.

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