3. "hey, are you following me?"

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Sans smiled lazily as his brother, Papyrus, carried him out of their apartment and into the elevator. He smiled even bigger when he began to receive one of Papyrus' lecture about being lazy. For some reason, Sans loved it when his brother talked. He could hear him talk forever.

His mind wandered to the girl he met earlier. One thing he could remember for sure was her hair color. who dyes their hair peach? He thought, as the elevator dinged open. Papyrus carried Sans into his red convertible and gave Sans another lecture about being safe and his 1 HP. Sans rolled his pin prick eyes.

He thought of Peach again. One thing he can admit, she was pretty. Beautiful, actually. Sans secretly wished he could see her again. He remembered when she had her back turned to him, he could hear the sniffles coming from her and her broken voice when she spoke. He wondered, what was going on? Why was she so rude to him? Why did she seem so sad?

When the two got situated and Papyrus began to drive, Sans placed his chin on his hands and looked out the window. He can remember when Peach fists were clenched up on the bark when he asked if she was okay. He was just being friendly. Why was she rejecting his friendship?

Sans was glad that he was at the willow tree that time of day. He knew that he cheered her up at least a little. When she asked about his presence, his heart had stopped when he remembered why he was at the willow tree in the first place. He thought, why did he have to tell her? she's rude, anyway.

So why can't Sans stop thinking about her?

"SANS, ARE YOU LISTENING?" Papyrus asked. Sans lifted his head to look at his brother. "sorry, bro. what'd ya say?" he asked, eyes half lidded from becoming sleepy. Papyrus sighed. "I WAS ASKING IF YOU WANTED TO STOP BY AT THE HUMAN'S HOUSE AFTER WE VISIT METTATTON'S SHOP! IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE WE'VE VISTED THEM!" He said excitedly. Sans smil deed. "yeah, i've wanted to see the kid for a while," he said.

Papyrus nyeh-heh-heh'd and sped up, making Sans double check to see if his seatbelt was buckled tight. Sans looked out the window again and closed his eyes.

He wanted to see Peach again.


Peach shivered slightly as she walked out of her apartment door. I should've changed into something warmer, she thought, looking down at her outfit. She had decided to go out and get some things at the shopping square down in Liten Square Avenue, but she was beginning to regret it. "Why the fuck is it so cold?" She muttered to herself, walking to her Jeep. She slipped in and immediately turned on the heater.

"uhh...you okay, kiddo?"

Peach froze. Why did I...? Peach shook her head. Why did she think of that? She barely even knows the skeleton, yet she has been thinking about him all afternoon. Maybe it's because he's the first monster she's ever spoken to? Every time she sees one, she's usually too nervous to say anything, fearing that they might use their magic to turn her into a doorknob or something.

Maybe because he had actually made her day a little? He showed that he cared. He had asked her what was wrong. No one ever does that. No one ever wondered what was wrong with Peach Tellefesen.

When Peach arrived at Liten Square, she sighed. She'd been wanting to go into this store for a while...only, she's been wandering if it's for monster only.

She stared at the pink and purple building and sighed again. "Mettatton's Babylicious Store," she said to herself, reading the sign. She rolled her eyes. "Wow, this guy must be...wow," she mumbled as she walked in the store.

There was a blast of heat and strong scent of flowers that wafted Peach's way. She coughed loudly. "The fuck...?" She choked out, waving her hands in front of her nose. She opened her eyes wider when she saw the large stone statue of...a robot?

"Holy shit," she exclaimed softly, walking towards it. The robot stone statue was huge. It didn't even look real!

This is one cool-ass store, she thought. She walked away from the statue and almost choked on her breath when she saw the layout of the shopping center's core. It was marvelous! Monster and humans everywhere! Pink, a lot of pink!

Peach laughed lightly and began to walk faster. "Woaaah!" She exclaimed happily, running up to a certain store. It was a ball gown, in fact, the most beautiful ball gown Peach has ever seen. It was pink that descended into a purple and blue ombré as it reached the skirt. Peach pressed her nose against the glass to get a closer look of the dress.

"Oh God, I need that dress," she said in a breathy tone, whimpering at the end of her sentence. It was so gorgeous! She could just imagine herself, walking gracefully down a jeweled stairwell, all eyes on her with the most beautiful dress the Earth has seen. And as she reached the floor, the whole room will applaude her presence and call out her name-

"peach?" Said a familiar voice from behind her.


Peach whirled around, her face dusted with a light blush. When her eyes met that familiar set of eye sockets, she scowled. "Sans?" she grumbled, glaring at Sans and crossing her arms.

Sans smiled awkwardly and shrugged. "the one and only," he said, looking at Peach. She said nothing. Sans tried to think of something to say.

"hey, are you following me?" He teased. Peach gave him a look of disgust. bad move, sans.

His eyes wandered to her outfit and then down to her legs. oh stars, he thought. that outfit fits her perfectly. Black and white are totally your colors, Peach. He thought as he stared at Peach.

Peach was about to blurt out a rude comment, until another skeleton appeared next to Sans. He was taller than Sans. Way taller. His eye sockets were a thinner and longer than Sans' and they had no lights in them. Peach glanced at his clothing and almost busted out laughing. It was some kind of...armor? The torso was red and white, with a red scarf. It was like a crop top. A crop top? For guys?

"SANS?" The taller skeleton asked. Peach flinched. Why is he talking so goddamn loud? She thought. She slowly uncrossed her arms and rested them by her side. Sans smiled crookedly and looked at his brother in adoration.

"'sup, bro. whatcha doing?" He asked, shoving his hands in his hoodie pockets. The taller skeleton was about to say something until he glanced your way. He gasped loudly.

"SANS! HAVE YOU MADE FRIENDS WITH ANOTHER HUMAN?! OH SANS, CAN I TALK TO HER, TOO?" He asked, jumping up and down. Peach rubbed her neck awkwardly. Jeez, dude. Calm the hell down, she thought. The skeleton looked at his brother excitedly, who closed his eyes and smiled.

"sure, papyrus. her name's peach," he introduced. Peach instinctively raised her hand to meet Papyrus'. Papyrus eagerly grabbed her hand and began wiggling her hand up and down vigorously.

"HELLO HUMAN! MY NAME IS PAPYRUS! THIS IS MY BROTHER SANS!" He shouted. Peach raised an eyebrow. Brother? She thought. Hm.


"eh, forgettaboudit." -Sans

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