4. "we're not friends, papyrus."

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Sans looked at Peach and waited. What is he waiting for? Peach thought as she shifted uncomfortably. I don't understand, what is he doi—

Sans shoved his hands in his pockets. "so, uh, yeah. this is papyrus and she's..." he stared at Peach. Oh. Peach blinked. "I'm, uh, Peach," she said, biting her lip. Sans closed his eyes and sighed. jeez, peach.

Peach looked at his reaction and realized she made a mistake. Fuck. She looked around awkwardly while Papyrus and Sans stood there. "UMM..." Papyrus looked uncomfortable. He clenched the shopping bag a bit tighter. "THIS IS AWKWARD," he said. Peach nodded slightly. Sans cleared his throat (he doesn't even have a throat!).

"well, uh, it was nice see ya again, peach. i'll see you around," he smiled softly. Papyrus looked his brother in an upset way. "SANS! WAIT! THIS IS OUR FRIEND! WE SHOULD SHOW HER WAY AROUND THE STORE! SHE COULD BE NEW TO THIS AMAZING AREA!" He shouted. Peach raised her eyebrows.

"We're not friends, papyrus." She crossed her arms. Sans gave Peach a strange look. She stared at him. Sans glared at her her swiftly and mouthed: "be a little more rude, peach." Peach rolled her eyes.

Papyrus didn't seemed fazed by her rudeness. He grinned and shoved a finger in the air. "THEN I WILL MAKE YOU MY FRIEND! I'LL BE THE BESTEST FRIEND YOU'VE EVER HAD! NYEH-HEH-HEH!"

Oh, brother.

Peach waved her hands dismissively. "I-I'm—I'm fine, Papyrus. I don't need any friends." She said in a somewhat bored tone. She furrowed her eyebrows slightly. I don't need any friends... she thought. Do I?

Sans widened his eye sockets slightly, but said nothing. Papyrus placed his hands on his hips. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T NEED FRIENDS?" He asked, leaning in a bit towards Peach. "EVERYONE NEEDS FRIENDS! NYEH!" He said, smiling. Peach shook her head.

"I'm not everyone, then." She concluded, leaving the conversation at that. She turned around and began to leave, but Papyrus ran up to her and stopped her. Sans teleported next to Papyrus with a skeptical look on his face.

Papyrus huffed. "HUMAN, YOU HAVE TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE FRIEND! M-MAYBE A SCHOOL FRIEND OR...OR A SIBLING OR SOMETHING?" He stuttered, crossing his arms. Peach was beginning to get annoyed. What the hell do you care? You hardly know me. She thought. Peach's mind soon wandered to Daniel, an answer to Papyrus' question.

"I, uh, have a brother?" She mumbled, looking up to Papyrus. Damn, he's so tall. She thought. She looked at Sans. I wonder who's older?

Papyrus' smile widened. "FANTASTIC! WHAT IS HIS NAME, DEAR HUMAN?" He asked excitedly. Peach almost curled up in discomfort. Dear? The fuck? She thought. Peach cleared her throat.

"H-his name is Daniel. He's 18 and uh, he's also...my roommate...?" She said in a questioning tone. He's hardly a roommate since he's out 98.9% of the time.

Papyrus clapped his hands. "OH, HOW MARVELOUS!" He exclaimed happily. "WE BOTH HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON! WE BOTH HAVE BROTHERS!" He shouted, thrusting a finger in front of Peach, two centimeters away from her face.

Peach glanced at his finger, then back at him. "Uh, right," she mumbled, scratching her head. Sans snickered lightly.

Papyrus grinned hugely. "HUMAN! I'M GOING TO INVITE YOU TO OUR HOUSE TOMORROW! YOU MUST COME, FOR YOU WILL HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME! YOU'LL MEET ALL MY FRIENDS AND HAVE SO MUCH FUN!" He said giddlely. Peach's eyes widened as Papyrus began to steer her away from the shop they were in front of and walked aimlessly around the mall.

"W-wait, I-I'm not—" Peach started, but Papyrus interrupted her but laughing triumphly.

"YES! THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL SHOW YOU A GREAT TIME! YOU WILL WANT TO COME BACK AND WHEN YOU DO, WE'LL HAVE EVEN MORE FUN!" He smiled big. Peach gave Sans terrified look, which made Sans shrug and wink in reply.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK, HUMAN? WILL YOU COME OVER TOMORROW? I THINK SANS WOULD WANT YOU TO, RIGHT SANS?" Papyrus turned to his brother, who had his eye sockets widened when his name was said.

"wait, wha—" he began, but Papyrus giggled. "SPLENDID! TOMORROW, THIS HUMAN—" He looked down at Peach. "UH, WHAT DID YOU SAY YOUR NAME WAS AGAIN?" He asked. Peach mumbled out her name and yelped when Papyrus yanked her arm towards the exit of the mall.

"RIGHT! AS I WAS SAYING! THIS HUMAN, PEACH, WILL COME OVER TO OUR HOUSE TOMORROW! WHICH MEANS," He turned to Sans, leaned in very closely and glared at him.

"WE'RE CLEANING THE HOUSE." He said firmly.

Sans groaned and shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets. "alright, paps. i won't be mopping around this time," he said, a tiny glint of humor in his lights that represent pupils. Papyrus stopped suddenly and kicked Sans in the shin. Sans yelped in pain.

"okay, okay! i'll stop! you didn't have to kick me," he mumbled. After a while, he said: "dishes my shin we're kicking about."

Papyrus sent Sans an evil glare and growled, making Sans throw his hands up in defense. Papyrus then turned to Peach.

"WELL, WE'LL SEE YOU TOMORROW, HUMAN! TA-TA!" He shouted, saying one of Mettaton's catchphrases. Sans rolled his eyes and let his brother dragged, but not before sending Peach a wink.

What the fuck? Peach thought, clenching her fists. Did that skeleton really give me a wink? Who the hell does he think he is?!

Peach whirled around and stomped to her car. She didn't feel like shopping anymore. When she unlocked her car, she heard a shout. She turned around and made eye contact with Papyrus, who was behind her Jeep.

"COME TO OUR HOUSE AROUND 5 O'CLOCK, HUMAN! WE WILL MAKE YOU DINNER! RIGHT, SANS?" He looked down at his brother eagerly, who was almost falling asleep. He jumped at the sound of his name.

"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. Sure, Paps." He mumbled, looking at Peach with a poker face. Peach stared at Sans for a bit, before saying: "Yeah, sure," she muttered. Sans looked at her in surprise. One of his pupil lights were shining a blue color.

Peach swallowed thickly and climbed into her car. Papyrus 'nyeh-heh-heh'd' and climbed into his car as well. Peach was the first one to leave her parking spot and speed away.

Sans watched her drive away. He buckled his seatbelt and leaned his skull against the window. Peach... He thought, burrowing his hands in his hoodie pockets. He sighed slightly.

She's coming to his house.

She's coming to his house.

"Pap," Sans said, looking at his brother, who was starting the engine. Papyrus glanced down at Sans. "YES, BROTHER?" He asked.

Sans sat up straighter. "We didn't even give Peach our address." He said, blinking. Papyrus froze and stared out the front window.

"OH, SHOOT." He groaned.


"Y O U D I R T Y B R O T H E R K I L L E R." -Sans

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