Chapter 22: Revenge - Part 1

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Mackenzie's POV:

Brynn and I walk out of the mall, me smelling like a StarBucks coffee.

I see Madison get into her silver sports car and flip me the bird as she drives in the opposing direction as me.

"Oh, look who it is." I hear. I look over to see the one and only, Chloe.

She takes one more whiff of her cigarette, then she drops it only the concrete and crushes it with the heel of her stilettos.

Brynn takes a gulp as she nervously stares at Chloe.

"Would you like to explain what happened to you?" She asks, twirling her golden lock of hair around her finger.

I say nothing, not knowing if she was serious or not.

"I'm waiting." She states, obviously annoyed.

I step forward, Brynn then grabs my hand to restrain me back.

"Mackenzie, don't." She says worried.

"B, I got this." I reply confidently.

I then let out a sigh.

"Well, Lake, or whatever your Last name is, if you couldn't tell by my damp clothes, and the smell of coffee lingering in the air, I got a coffee spilt over my head. Any more obvious questions?" I shoot.

Chloe furrows her eyebrows, in awe that I had the nerve to stand up to her. She then grabs my shoulder, and shoves me into Brynn, causing us both to fall like dominos.

Then she picks up her cigarette off of the ground, and shoves it into my hair.

"Now, Mackenzie, I hope this will teach you a lesson. Not to talk to me, not to look at me, and not to think of me, ever. Okay?" She shoots.

Then she turns on her heel and sashays away with both of her minions trailing behind.

I sit up and pinch the cigarette out of my hair.

"Kenzie, are you okay?" Brynn asks, offering me a hand.

I stand up and rub the spot where the cigarette was.

"Yea, I'm fine." I say

"I'm so sorry, I wish I would've stepped in, I-"

"Brynn, it's okay. I have a plan." I smirk.

"What is it?" She asks, eager to hear my thinking.

"You'll see." I say.


I walk up the steps leading to Brynn's house, and ring the door bell. Brynn had a nice house. It wasn't two story, but it was very nice. It had a hot tub and a pool, which was a big bonus. The living room was very open, and had tall windows showing the back yard.

About 30 seconds later, Brynn answers the door

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About 30 seconds later, Brynn answers the door.

"Hi! Come in!" Brynn says, inviting me into her home, "My parents aren't here right now, they're out on a business trip. So we have the place to ourselves."

"Okay." I smile , "Let's go to your room."

"Brynn's room small and cozy. It was super cute too. She has a sense of style, that's fore sure.

I sit down on her twin sized bed and pull out my note book.

"A notebook?" She laughs.

"Yes don't judge." A giggle

"No judgement here." She says

"Okay, anyways. I have a plan. A plan to get revenge on Madison and Chloe."

"Spill." She demands.

I explain the plan to Brynn, she seems shocked at first, but I soon get her in on it.

"Do you think we could actually do this?" She asks.

"If we do it right, it will lay out perfectly." I reply

"Okay." She nods , "When?"

"When what?" I ask confused.

"When are we going to do it? The plan?"

I look around and bite my nails.

"Well, I don't see why we can't do it tonight." I state.

"TONIGHT?" She says.

"Yeah." I laugh.

"Okay, we need to prepare though." She says.

"Okay. Let me make a list of what we need." I say, turning the page in the notebook and entitling the page "REVENGE LIST."

Okay so we'll need, black leggings, a black long sleeve, black beanie, black combat boots, and black gloves." Brynn says

"I already have all of that." I laugh.

"1) We need new things for the plan and 2) That's only clothing wise." She smiles

"Okay." I laugh , "What will we need non-clothing wise."

"A rope, calorie bars, scissors and a black backpack" She says.

"Okay." I agree, closing the notebook and standing up , "Where will we get the money for this though?"

"I know where my parent's spare credit card is. It's loaded with cash." She says.

"Devious." I laugh.

"Shut up." She giggles.

Brynn enters her parent's room and goes into their closet. She then grabs a credit card out of one of her dad's work boots.

"They're so easy." She laughs, waving the card around.


Brynn and I meet back at my house with the supplies. We run up stairs into my room and change into our outfits.

"Got the supplies?" Brynn asks, finishing her french braid, and adjusting her beanie.

"Yep." I agree, putting the rope into the bag.

We bolt downstairs and make our way to Madison's house.

This is only the beginning.



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