Secrets Don't Make Friends

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                 I brace myself after shutting my mind down and swivel to face him. His eyes widen slightly once they meet the lifeless look in my own. My mouth is turned down into a scowl. I bring my fist up and land a powerful blow to his jaw, sending him staggering back on the cobblestone. I can hear him shouting but I can't distinguish words, it's almost like I'm hearing underwater. I can't focus on the words. I rush at him again and aim another punch but he blocks it without striking back. I close my eyes tightly and attack in the patterns that were ingrained in my mind from the moment I learned to walk, using those memories to power me. I can feel several of them land on him so I know that I'm making at least a slight amount of progress. I open my eyes again to find him blocking and dodging most of the attacks, so I switch them up to regain the upper hand. His eyes are blackened and blood is leaking from his nose and one side of his lip. He looks angry and confused and is still talking but I can't hear him. I can't let myself hear him. 'Stay dead', I repeat to myself over and over, trying to maintain my hold on the locked down emotions. My torso is hurting and feels a little wet, but I ignore the pain to push onward. If I can do this, I can be free. Free? I'm not free. A small giggle escapes me and it shatters my hold.
                      I freeze in mid-swing and look at Kid, truly seeing him for the first time in what must've been twenty minutes atleast, because the sun is fully gone and the top of the moon has started to rise. My eyes widen and burn with brimming tears and I let my arm fall to my side.
"I-I I can't... I can't do it... I'm so sorry!"
I turn and run off away from him, away from the situation, away from the thoughts fighting for attention in my mind, away from Death City. I hear him call out for me once, but no footsteps follow and I'm left to run alone, my chest burning and blood pouring from my stomach. I stop running once Death City is a distant series of lights against the darkness and the sands of the desert are brushing against my ankles. I fall to my knees and start to re-stitch my wound, using the first aid kit and flash light that I keep in my bag. I'm still crying and I can't seem to stop but no one is here to see so I let them fall freely. I'm not just crying for what I did, I'm crying for the loss of my freedom, the waste of my life, the shortness that my life is, for losing my best friend and partner, and for destroying the only options I had for a decent life while I'm still alive.
                  I can't go back to Italy because I failed and I can't go back to Death City because I attacked Lord Death's son. I effectively ruined my life in one stupid move. Now what am I going to do? I guess I'll just keep walking and see where I end up. I get to my feet despite the pain shooting through my legs and stomach and stumble my way further into the desert. Using a flash light will only draw attention to myself if someone from Death City is looking for me or for enemies that may be around so I rely on the slowly rising moon to give me light. The moon seems to be brighter than usual tonight and I'm thankful for it. I can actually see my arms if I look at them and I'm sure if there were anything in the distance I'm sure I could tell they were there.
"You look lost."
"Are you alright?"
                     Two voices sound from either side of me and I jump slightly before getting into a defensive stance. They chuckle and I look both directions to identify the newcomers. They're twins, both with dark hair but I can't tell the color in the dim lighting. The only thing I can see for certain with the two is they share bright almost glowing green eyes.
"Where did you two come from and what business do you have with me?" I bite out curtly.
"My dear brother and I were simply taking a moonlit stroll and I picked up your soul." The one on the left starts.
"We just had to investigate and make sure our newfound friend was safe." The one on the right finishes.
"I'm fine, thank you. Now please leave me be. I have things to do."
"You're covered in blood and staggering and you came from Death City."
"You're running from something, aren't you? What'd you do?"
                      They step in my path as I start to walk, arms over each other's shoulders and stare me down curiously. I fix my eyes into a glare and scowl at you.
"I'm not running from anything and my business is my own. Now leave me alone."
"Are you a weapon or a meister?" Lefty asks.
"It's strange to see one without their counterpart regardless." Righty finishes.
"I'm a meister. My weapon is at home."
"An injured meister all alone without her weapon in the desert at night..."
"Makes this like taking candy from a baby."
"My only question, Dear Brother, is who gets her soul?"
They chuckle again, but the friendly tone has vanished. I should've attacked them when I had the chance. In my state I'm rather useless anyway. All I can do now is fight until I die, because I'll be damned if I surrender.
"Now Ragnarok!"
                I turn around to find Crona standing behind me, a sword raised in his hands. He rushes past me to attack the twins. Standing around where he was are Kid, Liz, Patti, Soul, and Maka. Maka still looks sickly but her facial expression shows her anger. Kid orders his weapons to turn and aims the guns around me. He waivers though, muttering about symmetry, then I remember why. They're twins. I sigh and rush over to them and turn to Soul.
"Turn into a scythe."
"Maka is too sick to fight. She's only here because she can sense souls."
"That's not what I said. Just turn into a scythe."
They all look confused but he complies. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the pain before trying to bring my wavelength closer to his. I grab onto the handle of his scythe and tell him to focus on trying to match my wavelength. Pain shoots through me and I can tell he's hurting too but the pain is starting to subside a little. My palms are burning though.
                We reach an almost equilibrium and I'm able to lift the scythe from the sand. With a weapon in my grasp I run back to help Crona with the twins. He's been slicing away at the two of them but they're too quick and fluid in their movements for him to keep up. I slam the blade of the scythe into the ground and use it to fling myself upward and over the twins. When I land behind them I slice at them but they manage to dodge.
"Come on, Love."
"We could have so much fun."
"Let's make a deal."
"You come with us."
"And we won't kill you."
I bark out a laugh and swing at them again, drawing their attention onto me instead of the others to give them a chance to make a plan.
               Their movements are really fast especially for those not used to twins. I however got to train regularly with Calen and his fraternal twin partner Caleb. I'm used to synchronized movements. They seem to almost fight like Calen and Caleb did but I guess it's just a twin thing. I speed up my movements after quickly adjusting to the different weight and style of weapon and turn them to the defensive. I back them up toward the others and manage to cut the left one's arm and suddenly two bright lights slam into their backs and their souls are left behind. Kid is standing with his guns still raised, staring at me with an unreadable expression. The guns aren't pointed at the souls any longer though, they're pointed directly at me.

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