Let The Flames Begin

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                    I stared out across the yard and waited with baited breath for someone else to stand, but no one moved. I exhaled quietly and stood when I heard my father mention my name. He was congratulating us for completing our assignment and wanted to celebrate the return of his 'Princess'. The same two men who killed my grandmother pulled me from the crowd and led me back into the house and up to meet my father on the balcony. I can feel my heart begin to race and clench my fists at my sides to subdue the anger coursing through me. He turns to me as the doors open and I walk in. His smile makes my skin crawl, but I stand beside him and plaster on a fake smile.
"Let us show our lovely Princess the honor she deserves!" He calls out and I realize they've stood and are now applauding me.
I'm going to be sick. I'm not an object to worship.
"Now that that is over, let's get down to the real business at hand. Since my daughter is home, she can get caught up to speed on the happenings around here. Our family has risen in power and we are forging a new path in the world. No longer will we be forced to purge the world of evil undercover! We will go out into the world, take what is ours and rise as the new authority! My daughter and her weapon will be in the frontlines, leading us into our new order!"
My stomach drops when I hear the cheers and applause from down below. I take a deep breath before speaking up.
"Father! This is wrong. I know what you have become and what you have done. You've turned into a monster and are destroying this family! You've led them away from the path of righteousness and lost yourself as well. You've become a kishin egg and your soul is corrupt. Cease this nonsense and surrender or I will have to take your soul!"
                   My father snaps his fingers and I feel two sets of arms latch onto me and pull me away from him. He shoots a glare in my direction before turning to the people waiting down below.
"Family, this is what Lord Death's influence does to people. They turn into crazed followers who don't understand the true potential that is lying underneath. Lord Death wants us to live in fear under his ill-conceived notions of right and wrong. He has brainwashed my daughter into believing in his ways, but she will learn the truth! Lord Death will be knocked down and the world will be made right!"
He turns back to me, his teal eyes flashing in anger. "I will deal with you shortly."
"Kill me if you must, but I shall not bow to a King who wears a crown studded with the jewels of every life he has ended." I growl, my anger finally showing through.
             I throw myself backward, sending my guards into the brick wall, their heads striking with a loud thud. I straighten and lunge at my father, but he catches my arms. I struggle against him but he shoves my body against the wall and I can feel my face getting scratched by the rough surface.
"Did you really think that would work? Honestly, Darling, why are you fighting against a cause that created you? You didn't even need a weapon, you were born to lead the new order. You will learn to obey." He hisses.
"I'll never do a thing for you! If you pay for my silence, I'll scream. If you beg me to speak, I will sew my lips shut. I will not kill in your name." I retort, kicking backward at his knees.
I feel my foot make contact with his kneecap and he releases me. I take the momentary distraction to send another kick to his face, sending him back across the balcony.
"It's in your blood, Siena. You can't escape this. You won't escape us. I will strip away all that you know, all that you love, until you have nothing but me." He shouts as he hobbles toward me.
               In the silence below us, I can hear Matteo's hushed voice talking to the others, probably initiating battle plans. I back way from my father while estimating my chances of escape if I could make it to the door. Father notices me staring at the door and laughs, telling me that I have no hope of escape and should surrender for my safety. I sigh and lift my hands in surrender.
"You win Father, I surrender." I mutter.
He reaches me and roughly jerks me to his side. He drags me back to the front of the balcony and opens his mouth to speak. He's cut off by a loud voice carrying up from the ground.
"Yahoo! I'm Black*Star and I don't cause commotions, I am one! You're going down creepy kishin guy!"
"Kill him!"
                      An involuntary grin crosses my face as chaos ensues below and I can track the blue haired blunder darting around in the melee. A large purple light whizzes past my head and narrowly misses my father. He releases me and disappears through the door. My eyes lock with a certain Shinigami who is lowering one of his pistols.
"Family!" I call out, and everything pauses below me. "Please listen and understand. My father is a kishin egg. He is on the verge of becoming an actual kishin like Asura was. His soul has been corrupted and he has lost himself. He must be brought down before things get worse. I have brought with me members of the DWMA sent under orders from Lord Death. We are not here to hurt you, we are simply here to bring down my father. Please do what is right and leave this house, go to your own homes and stay out of the way. If you remain here, we will assume your loyalty to the kishin egg and you will be prosecuted or executed. This is not how our families should be and I will proudly lay down my life if that means that you will be out from under this tyranny! Leave now!"
I watch as several men run into the house while everyone else retreats. Once the yard is clear of civilians, Matteo and the others run inside and I hurry inside as well to meet them.

A/N: Sorry for the wait, but I am back for the moment. And sorry for this basically being a load of dialogue, butttttt I like it, so maybe you guys will too. It was a hard scene to formulate in my mind. I tried. T.T

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