Mystery View: Finale

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A/N: This is the last chapter and I decided to put it in someone else's view to make it different. This takes place a month or so after she returned to Death City. It is not a long chapter, but it is the last one. I hope you guys have enjoyed it! <3 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Soul's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :D

                    I stare on in interest as I stand beside Liz and Patty. The three of us have been watching Siena and Kid bicker for twenty minutes straight now. I've honestly lost track of what started the fight but I think it started with something being asymmetrical. The two have been fighting ever since she came back to the DWMA last month. He eventually got convinced to give her her old job back. Currently they're insulting each other's hair. Kid's hair is asymmetrical with the stripes but as far as I can tell Siena's is fine. I don't know, I'm not in this war. I chuckle as I look up again to find them circling each other, their insults flying and escalating to name calling.
"You're asymmetrical garbage!"
"You're an obsessive-compulsive loser!"
"Should we stop this?" Liz asks, looking up from her nails.
"No." I respond simply.
"If I'm such trash why don't you fire me!?" Siena calls out.
"If I'm such a freak then why don't you quit?!" Kid shoots back.
"This is like listening to grade schoolers." Liz mutters again.
"It's just getting good." I reply.
They start shooting insults again until Kid calls her stupid and she punches him.
                 They end up fighting and wrestling across the floor while still shouting at each other. Liz steps forward to break it up but I hold out my arm to block her and tell her to watch. She shoots me a look but I shake my head and tell her it's not to watch the fight but to watch what happens if I'm right. Siena pins him down and punches him in the nose. He growls and flips them over, pinning her down.
"Why are you so stupid?" He shouts.
"Why are you so stupid?" She copies.
"They're going to kill each other Soul."
"No they're not. Just wait."
We all stare on at the scene as they yell at each other before it happens. Kid crashes his lips onto hers and their eyes flutter closed. Liz's jaw drops as Patty whoops in celebration. A smirk crosses my own face as I notice Siena blushing.
"How'd you know that would happen?"
"They've both been at each other's throats since day one. They've been experiencing a new emotion they couldn't figure out since they're both lacking in emotional knowledge so they have been lashing out at each other out of confusion. It was only a matter of time before they exploded like this and one of them would cave and kiss the other. I know her very well and she's been in love with him for a while. I'm sure the two of you noticed him acting differently, right?"
"Yeah, now that you mention it... But this is getting a little creepy staring at them while they kiss."
"I told you that you'd find a girlfriend when she got here Kid!" Patty cheers.
They break apart and stare at each other wide-eyed before she regains her voice.
"I thought I was trash."
"You could never be trash. You're perfect."

A/N: THE END!! I hope you enjoyed! :D I had this scene planned since the very beginning. Kid x Siena for the win! Heheehee. I did feel bad making him seem like a major butthead in this story, but it's how I pictured it. Please rate, comment, request, etc. Let me know what you think! Stay safe! Peace and love, <3 H

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