chapter 14 Road Kill

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Paul's Pov
Rain splattered against the car's window shield. We drove on a empty driveway with no sound but the ra-

"OH MAN!" shouted Miles from the backseat.

"Hey, what happened to you sleepin'?"

Miles held up a comic book that was filled in with colors and spiky caption bubbles. "I know this doesn't look like it but it is not a bad read but only one problem," he said, "right there, 'to be continued' ugh I hate cliffhangers."

Our next mission is to find part two of that comic book.

"Where'd you get that?"

"Ethan's room. Not like he's missin' it."

"What else did you get?" I asked.

He held out a black square box that had two large holes with sharp ends on the inside. It was a music tape. "Does this make you feel all nostalgic?"

"Y'know, that is actually before from my time." I put it in and weak country music plays.

"Well," Miles shrugged, "better than nothing." He went through some more things out of his backpack. "Whoa! 'Your friend' will definitely be missing this tonight. Light on the reading but got's some pretty interesting photos."

Oh no, is he reading-

"Now Miles that ain't for kids."

"WHOA." His eyes were big and his mouth was open in a oval shape. "How... how the hell would they even walk around with that thing?"


"Hold your horses!" He flips a page. "Oh... Why are they so stuck together?"

"Um." I say. This kid is something else.

He chuckles. "I'm just fucking with you." He rolls down the backseat window and throws the playboy out of the window, giving it a proper goodbye. He climbs to the front passenger seat.

"You know," he says, "this isn't that bad."

I chuckle, still driving on the empty road. "You should get some rest."

"I'm not even tired."

Five minutes later....

His head is against the window, snoring.

The sun shined and made it more clear when I saw.... A whole highway covered in non-moving vehicles. "Well perfect." There was a way that led onto another ramp. Screw it.

Fifteen minutes later...

We drive through a town with tall buildings. Then I came to a hard stop. "Easy!" exclaimed Miles.

"Help me." told the wounded man in front of us. He was dressed in a gray hoodie with cut sleeves that covered his face, blue jeans and white shoes.

"Are we going to help him?" Miles asked.

I pulled back the handle and put the car in drive."out on your seat belt on.

"What about the guy?"

"He ain't even hurt."

We drive towards him and sure enough, he pulled out a gun and started shooting. A bullet came through our windshield. I was able to see two other men come from behind tipped over cars. His body crashed into my car as he rolled off. A bottle hits the window shield again. Everything was happening so fast. But another man had a bat and bashed Miles' window in, glass pouring into his lap.

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