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I remember, clear as day. The day the three of us ran in circles around the cherry blossom tree. Laughing together as we watch the blossoms fall on our faces. We were always together. Inseparable. We were all best friends. But then I remember that cursed day. Me and Jill were in college. I was studying art and musical development. Jill was studying to be a lawyer. It was my first year, and it was Jill's fifth year in college.

We were walking to class when that guy in my class walked up to Jillian.
"Hey Jillian, hey Jackie May." My sister turned and I do too. I see a guy with dark brown hair, green eyes, wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans. My sister smiled.
"Hey Ryan. What's up?"
"Not much, I was just wondering if you wanted to join The Robotics Club. I hear you're really good with programming. We could really use your skills." Jill's face lit up with excitement. I already know she wants to join.
"That sounds great. We'd love to."
"Sorry, but uh... The club has only one opening. I know you two are like a package deal, but the club president has already decided that we only need one more person. Otherwise it's too big. There's a limit for the number of people on each team for the tournaments."
"Well then, no can do. Sorry, but I can't leave Jackie. It just wouldn't be fair."

She was about to walk away, but I speak up.
"What's that supposed to mean? Just cause you're my only friend, doesn't mean I'm helpless."
"That's not what I meant. I just didn't want you to have nothing to do when I'm at the club. You're very introverted. That's why I never joined in the first place."
"So, it's all because of me. Just join the club already. I know you've been wanting to hang out with other people, besides me. I mean you see me everyday. It's not like we live on different sides of the world. Besides, you're going to be graduating this year. This is your last chance before you enter the real world. Have some fun."
"But Jackie, I-"
"Just go ahead. I'll be fine. Okay." I give a smile to let her know I'm okay with it. She hugs me.
"Aw, thank you Jackie. You're the best sibling I could ask for."
"Don't tell Jessy that." We both started laughing.
"I should probably say you're the best sister I could ask for."
"I'm your only sister."

She turned toward Ryan, who was still waiting for an answer. "So, when's the next meeting?"
"After school today at 3:30. In the computer lab."
"I'll be there."
"Great, see you then. Bye." He runs off to class and we wave. Jill looks at me from the side.
"You sure it's okay? What are you going to even do?"
"It's fine. I'll just sketch in my sketch book when I'm done with homework."
"But you never have homework."
"Exactly. I draw all I want, without being interrupted by the teacher."
"That's cause you draw in class."
"Only because I read the chapters before class and I know exactly what we're talking about." She just laughs. "Hey, you do the same thing with your obsessive calculating."
"So I like Trigonometry, you still dance and sing in the hallways." We keep laughing at ourselves. Of how we know each other so well.

After school ended that day, Jill went to Robotics club and I sat in the hallway with my sketch book. I was sketching a picture of a music note, while I listened to music through my headphones.
"Hey." My head snapped up to see three people standing right in front of me. They all had a matching leather glove on their right hand. The guy standing in the middle with a ripped jean jacket. I take my headphones off.
"Can I help you?"
"I like your drawing. It's very emotional."
"Thanks, but it's just a picture I wanted to draw."
"There are flames inside of the note. Alone with a river. Don't tell me that it doesn't mean something to you."
"No, there's no real meaning that I can see."
"Okay, let's see if this story is familiar to you." He crouches down to face me at eye level. "The youngest sister and youngest sibling has been with her siblings ever since their mother died giving birth to her. The father abandoned the family once he saw his wife was dead. He put all three siblings in an orphanage. Once the oldest sibling was 18, he moved out with his sisters, he got a house, and a job. The second born has always been with the youngest, because she feels bad for her. Because the younger one has no friends besides her sister and brother. And now she realizes that she is old enough to make her own friends and left her. And the story is still unfolding." How in the world could he possibly know about my family background? "I know what it's like to be feeling like the only one in pain. If you'd like, you could join our group. We meet up pretty much whenever and we just hangout."
"Why would you want me to hang out with you guys? I don't even know you."
"Well, you just seem like someone we can depend on. And well, that's how making friends work. You're strangers than two minutes later you know half about them." He stretches his hand to me. "What do you say?" I look at his hand for a few seconds. Then I take his hand.
"My name's Jackie May Hamilton."
"Mike, Mike Kip. And congrats, you just made your first friend." He smiled as he pulled me up to my feet. He pointed to the person on his left, then his right. "This is Alex and Garret."

"Hey." Garret raised his hand up and waved. Mike crossed his arms.
"Garret, whatever you're thinking. Stop it now, before you scare the poor girl."
"I wasn't thinking of anything! Not yet anyway." He looked at me, smiling. He leaned against the wall. "I think you're pretty cu-" I pinch his nose.
"Finish that sentence to someone you didn't just meet and actually cares."
"Okay! Okay!" I let go of his nose and he holds it in pain. "You are cold, woman! You trying to crush my nose to dust!?" Mike pats him on the shoulder.
"That's what you get for flirting with female Jack Frost."

I'm a little puzzled by that. Alex just laughs. "Come on, let's go."
"Wait, where are we-?" Mike pats me on the back.
"You'll find out when we get there."
"I have to-"
"Don't worry about it. Let's go." I put my stuff in my backpack and go along. I get my phone out of my pocket and text Jill.
"Hey, I'm going to hang out with some new friends I found. I'll meet you at home before dinner."

"Jackie May, you coming?!" I send the message and run to catch up. We walked through the hallways. "So, what do you like to do for fun?"
"I mainly just draw and listen to music. I don't really do anything that interesting."
"Well that's all about to change now." Flint pushed the doors and the guys grabbed their bikes. I get my bike and we all ride away from the school.

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