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Jessy's P.O.V.

"It took two days, but I fixed the bug in your computer. You should get the live stream now."
"No problem." Darin leaves my office and I get in my chair. Then get on my computer, I get on the live stream I have. I see a group of fourteen people in the room. One of the faces catch my eye. I zoom in on their face.
"Oh dear Lord." I muttered under my breath looking at the live stream of the cameras I put in the Red Paint's hideout. I zoomed in on a familiar face. "It can't be. Impossible. That is not Jackie...Is it?" I don't have sound, but the images are flawless. I can clearly see her face.

"Jessy?" My shoulder was jerked by Paul, and it caused me to snap back to my senses. "Isn't that your sister, Jackie May?"
"I never knew she was hiding this from me. I knew she was hiding something, but this... this is worse then I could have imagined."
"You think she's being silenced?"
"Yes. I know my sister. She would never join something like this, out of her own will." So, it's that bad, Jackie?

"Zoom in on the paper." I move the zoom away from my sister's face, to the paper on the box. "It's a delivery. Zoom in closer." I do so.
"Guns? What store is having guns imported again?"
"The trading post down the street."
"It doesn't say when. We'll have to ask the trading post manager about the delivery date. Come on." I look back at the computer and see Jackie walking out the door with the guy who was standing in front of her. Where is she going? And who is that with her?

"Jessy?" I turn my head back. "You coming?"
"Yeah." I get up from my chair and follow Paul out the door. Then get in the car. I put my seatbelt on and Paul's staring at me. "What?"
"Are you alright?" I face forward and lean my head back on the head rest.
"I don't know."
"I know you're shocked, but don't let it affect your work. If you want your sister back, you can't let it get to you."
"What do I tell Jillian? I promised her I'd tell her as soon as I found her."
"How's she doing now? About the knowledge of her sister missing?" He starts the car and drives as I talk.
"Jillian's been pacing in her room constantly. I don't think she's getting any sleep. I know she's worried."
"If she's not handling the situation well now, I don't think you should tell her. You don't want to worry her anymore than she already is. Also, this is official police business. I know, Jackie May is your sister. But that doesn't change the fact, she's involved with a gang." I let out a tiering sigh.
"You're right."
"I'm always right. I've been in this game for seventeen years. I know how this game works." Well, he's confident. But I guess he has to be. He's normally helping with interrogations.

We get out of the car and enter the trading post. A young cashier, looks like he's in high school, nervously looks at us.
"Can I help you, sirs? Gentlemen? Officers?"
"It's alright, there's nothing wrong. We would just like to speak with your manager."
"Okay, I'll go get him."
"Thank you." He went in the back and came out with a middle aged man.
"Good evening officers. What can I do ya for?"
"Are you the manager of this establishment?"
"Do you have a shipment of guns coming in?"
"Yes, I do. I have all the required paperwork if you need to see it."
"That won't be necessary. Do you know when this shipment is coming in?"
"Two months from today. Are you interested in purchasing something specific?"
"No, we just need some information about these guns coming to your trading post."
"We'll, I don't just hand guns out to anyone. I always ask for identification. Drivers licenses, ID, and they must have proof they've used a gun before. You know people today, taking selfies of themselves every second of their lives."
"Do you pick your shipments up at the docks, or do you have them delivered to your business?"
"I just have it delivered here. I have a bad back, but my son always goes to the docks to make sure they find the place."

Me and Paul exchange glances then continue.
"Sir, we're on the Red Paint case. We'd like to escort the shipment if possible."
"Wait, Red Paint wants to steal my shipment?!"
"They want the guns. If it's alright, we will bring the shipment to your establishment. We can close our case, you get your shipment, and the streets will be safer."
"What if I cancelled the shipment?"
"Yes we thought about that. However, the Red Paint seems to have access to seeing shipments coming in."
"Are they hacking into the systems for shipments?"
"We don't know how they're getting their information."
"I see."
"Are we all in agreement?"
"Yes, officers. Thank you."
"No problem, thank you. Have a good night."
"You too, thank you." And with that we left the trading post.

I was about to get in the car. When I hear a familiar voice.
"Jessy?!" I turn around seeing Jillian with groceries. "I thought I saw you. Did you find anything about Jackie May yet?"
"No, this is for the Red Paint case." I tried getting the words over with.
"But I thought you were looking for Jackie?"
"I am, but I'm assigned to this case first."
"You're family first before officer. Right? That's your motto."
"Jillian, you have to understand. I'm doing everything I can."
"You're not doing anything! Jackie's been gone for three days! What if she's hurt?! What if-?!" Paul steps in front of me.
"Miss, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down. You don't need to worry. We have this all under control. Now please let us do our job." He gets in the car, and Jillian just stares at me. I can feel a cold sweat running down my spine from her harsh gaze. "Hamilton." Paul calls me from the car. I run in the car, get my seatbelt on. The car starts moving. Don't look back, don't look back, it'll just make things worse. "You're welcome."
"Well, what you said isn't going to help me when I get home."
"This is our job, Jessy. As your superior, don't tell her. She'll get more worked up. She still lives in your apartment? I thought she'd be in the dorms."
"No, and she graduates in a month."
"Is she staying with you after she graduates, or is she getting her own place?"
"She didn't tell me what she's doing. You know, you like changing topics frequently."
"It's a habit."

Once I get into my office, all I can think about is my sisters. I have so many questions I want to ask Jackie. Are you okay? Are they silencing you? How did you get mixed in all this? Are you held against your will? I feel guilt for not telling Jillian what's really going on. I want to tell her. But what do I even say. That our youngest sister is in a merciless gang. I'm holding my head. My head hurts. God, what do I do? I don't know.

"Jessy?" Darin calls my name, but I can't lift my head. "You okay? You don't look so good."
"I don't know any more." My voice is shaking.
"Did Paul break you?"
"Maybe you should go home and get some sleep? You haven't slept since you reported Jackie May missing."
"No. I'm fine." He let out a tired sigh.
"Jessy go home. You look like a hobo. When did you last shave?"
"Okay, I get it. I'll go home and recharge. No need to exaggerate."
"I'm not, the one who said you smell like a dumpster and look like a hobo."
"Har har. Let me guess, Paul?"
"He gave me a report on what happened. I didn't know what he meant by 'hobo' till I came to check on you."
"Do I really look that disoriented?"
"You look like a mixture of a zombie, vampire, and a hobo."
"Where does hobo come in the mix?"
"You're getting a beard. You've never come to work with a beard." We both start laughing. "But seriously, just get some rest. And shave. We got it covered here."
"Thanks." I get ready to go home. As I'm leaving, he pats my shoulder and smiles.
"We'll see you tomorrow. And if you come here tomorrow looking like you do right now. I will personally take you off the case. You don't work well when your tired and overexerted."
"Alright. I get it. I'll get some sleep, shave, and shower."
"Good man. Have a good night."
"You too." I leave with an exhausted smile on my face. Then it disappears when I'm getting closer, and closer, to the appointment.

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