The infection. Part 1

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Danielle's POV (me)

I lay on my hotel room floor with a pillow under my head (coz dat how I roll) reading a fanfic on Wattpad, listening to Nightcore songs. At the moment me and my three best friends Mia, Taylah and Maddie were staying in Washington, we had won a two week trip to America and decided to stay in Washington.

"Danielle!" The three girls ran in yelling my name.

Taylah's strawberry-blonde hair was a mess, it was like she had been hit with a ball of excitement enough to make her want to pull her hair out, like something she always wanted to come true had done exactly that. The other two though, they had terrified looks on their faces like the world was going to end, killing us all.

While I was sitting there completely unaware of what was about to change our lives completely

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