What Did You Say?

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I was woken up by an explosion on my television from some action movie Gavin had put on before we had passed out from ice-cream overdose. I waited for my heart-beat to return back to normal; I noticed that Gavin was sleeping on my chest; a soft snore escaped him every-so-often in sync with his body raising and falling. He had chocolate syrup surrounding his mouth that blended into his stubble on his cheeks. I started to sit up but Gavin stirred. I didn't want to wake him up so I decided to just watch the rest of the movie that was on. I had already lost interest in the movie within 5 minutes of viewing it so I slowly placed my right arm around his side and shut my eyes. I just tried to memorize his shape, his scent, his breath. The warmth of his body heated mine and I knew I made the right choice with Gavin.



Once again, I woke up startled. Gavin's voice boomed though my apartment while he struggled against my arm. I quickly snapped it back so he could sit up.

"What the fuck is wrong, Gavin?!" I shouted trying to come to my senses after being woken up, again, by a loud noise.

"My stupid phone is shaking in my pocket! It scared the living crap out of me!" Gavin said reaching into his pocket trying to get his phone out. He got it out and looked at the screen, "Huh...I wonder why she's calling..? Hello, mum?" He got up from my lap and walked into the other room.

30 minutes had passed before Gavin slowly meandered back into the living room. "Hey, bud..." I started to say when I noticed his depressed face from under his messy hair. "What's wrong, Gavin?" I asked concern as I got up from the couch and embraced him in a hug. His limp arms hung at his side, not returning my hug, and placed his face on my shoulder and I heard a soft cry. I slowly rubbed his back up and down and he tossed, what I guess, was his phone on the chair behind me and then wrapped his arms around my waist.

"My mum just called.." he sniffed, "She said that my granddad is very ill...and might not make it." I felt him fall more into my hold. "She bought me a plane ticket to England to go see him before he...ya'know...goes. I leave tonight at 10 o'clock."

I looked at my watch: 7:50am. We have time to kill. I slightly loosened my grip on Gavin and he stood back, wiping a tear from his cheek. "Hey, Gavin, why don't you go pack your things to leave for tonight and I'll get ready and we'll have a little date before you leave for England." Without words, he gestured at his clothes he was already wearing. Whipped cream smelling and dots of chocolate on it.

"Michael." He said, "My mum will have me wear some new clothes from the airport anyways, screw it. I don't need to pack."

You sure, Gav?"

He nodded.


Gavin and I arrive at Lake Travis Adventures; a zip line park only about 30minties from my apartment. I felt kinda bad because I only knew that place existed because Ray had taken me there once on our day off. Ray loved zip lining. I loved it too.

I paid the man from Gav's and I's tickets and we decided to do the zip line last because Gavin wanted to 'prepare himself'. We talked a trail along the trees and bushes they had throughout the park. I could see that he was both depressed he had to go see his dying grandfather and nervous I was going to make him go on his first zip line. As we walked, we walked in silence and listening to the birds chirping. I realized that Gavin had a LOT more to say at work than he ever did when it was just him and I; I didn't mind, I knew he was enjoying my company. We walked a little farther down the trail when we heard couple's voices. We went around the bend in the path to see Ray and Stephanie sitting on a park-bench talking. Shit. Not now.

"Oi, Mi-cool! Look! It's Stephanie and Ray! Let's go say hi!" He ran off toward them before I could grab his arm and tell him otherwise.

Stephanie spotted him first and gasped in surprise. "Oh my God, Gavin! Hey guys!" She jumped right off the bench and gave Gavin the world's biggest hug. After her and Gavin released she gave me a kind smile and went back over to Ray who looked like a deer in headlights.

"Ray and I were just about to head back to the lines, wanna join?" She held onto Rays arm and looked right at Gavin when she asked if *WE* wanted to join. I would have said no but Gavin apparently had other plans. Ray stood awkwardly with a fake grin plastered on his face. He wouldn't look away from me. He looked at my face

"Of course, Steph! Let's go!" Gavin yelped and attached his arm to mine, like Stephanie to Ray and we all four walked to the platforms.


To make a long, pointless story short; Steph and Gavin go right after each other on the zipline, leaving Ray and I on the deck.

"Michael.." Ray spoke softly I could hardly hear him over the trees rustling in the wind, "I need to tell you something."

"What, Ray? I'm about to zip line.." I turn to face him.

"I've been thinking about what you told me yesterday...about the whole 'using Stephanie' thing. I mean, I just, I didn't get with Steph to get back at you, I got with her because she said she liked me...and...and that was the first time in a while I've heard that from someone." He looked down at the ground and then back up at me, his brown-eyes watering with passion. "I love you, Michael. Why can't you see that? I'd do anything for you. I've always been there for you and I always will."

"Dude! Mike, you gotta go now!" The park ranger guy yelled at me to go down the zip-line.

I was paralyzed in my spot. Ray just confessed his love to me, in tears, in public. What was I supposed to do? I made sure my harness was secure and jumped. I slid down the rope at a fast pace, racing past nature that I didn't give a shit about. My mind went back to the first time I had been on that line. With Ray pushing me off. I guess you could say Ray pushed me again this time; only emotionally.

I arrived at the second deck with Steph and Gavin talking and laughing. Not even half a minute later Ray arrived, silent, on the deck. He didn't even look me in the eye. I could tell he didn't enjoy that line at all.


Night fall came too quickly. I dropped Gavin off at the airport 2 and a half hours early for his flight to give him some time for baggage check and all that other fun-travel stuff.

"Bye, Michael" Gavin said hugging me tightly and nestling his face in my neck. "I'll be back in 3 days...unless Granddad passes and they have an early funeral. I'll text you every day, Mi-cool."

I slowly rub his back and simply nod my head. I can't get Ray out of my head.

"Don't miss me too much now." Gavin joked as he picked up his small duffle-bag of one pair of socks, one band aid and his phone charger.

"I'll try not to."

Gavin started to walk away but placed his bag down and ran back toward me and took both hands and placed them on both of my cheeks and kissed me. But not just any kiss, the kiss you see couples do right before they leave each other in the airport. I kissed him back as hard as I could.

"Michael, you are the best boyfriend I've ever had. I'll be home soon." He left.


I kept tossing and turning in bed. Gavin was going to England and I won't see him for at least 3 days. Despite the things with Ray in the past week, I knew for sure I loved Gavin. I couldn't help but think about how passionate Ray was getting though. He said he loved me. I'm just so conflicted. I have 3 days to myself and I'm gonna take that time to figure this out.

*buzz buzz*

I look over at my phone on my nightstand; Gavin: "I miss you already, my little Michael."

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