When Are You Going to Tell Him?

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I dropped Gavin off at Geoff’s house after I got him from the airport. The ride was a bit awkward for me because Gavin kept going on about how much he talked about me to his family. It hurt. I wasn’t planning on showing it though. I got home and went right to bed in hopes that I wouldn’t have to talk to anyone until work the next day.

I arrive at work a little later than I normally do so I kinda scurried into the office only to find Jack and Ray at their desks. I place my car keys and phone on my desk, “Where’s Geoff?” I ask.

“Geoff said he wanted to let Gavin settle back in and that he had a bad hangover and didn’t feel like coming today.” Jack said.

“Oh. Ok.” I glanced over at Ray who was staring at me softly. He slowly broke the stare and returned to his work.

This is going to be a long day, I thought.  

A few hours later Jack left to go home; leaving Ray and I in the office alone. I looked over to Ray  who was already, once again, looking back at me.

“Did you tell him?” Ray questioned.

I hung my head and ran my fingers through my buzzed-hair, “No…no I didn’t. I can’t. ”

Ray turned his chair toward me, “Michael, you are gonna have to at some point. You told me you loved me. You know I love you. Hell, we even went further than you two have!!” His voice boomed thoughout the office and I motioned to keep his voice down. He grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes, “You HAVE TO tell him…”

I squeezed his hand and gave him a weak smile. I wasn’t promising anything.


I had only been home for a few hours before I hear a knock at the door. I walk over only to see Geoff and Gavin standing outside my apartment. I open the door, “Guys?”

Gavin jumps on me and wraps his arms and legs around me, “I’ve missed you, Mi-cool!!”

I look over Gav’s shoulder to Geoff, “This little fucker wouldn’t stop talking about how much he has missed you so I drove him over here. Enjoy.” He turned and started walking back to his car. “Get him home by midnight or you’re in charge for getting him to work tomorrow!” He called back.

I closed the door while trying to keep Gavin from falling to the floor and trudged to the couch and set him down.

“Oh, I’ve missed you!” Gavin squealed.

“I’ve missed you too, buddy.” I said. “I’m glad you’re back.” Now I can get Ray out of my head.

“I really need to take a piss! I’ll be right back, love.” Gavin jumped from my couch and ran to the master bathroom. I chuckled at his childishness and walked into the bedroom. I know it was a selfish thing to do, but I needed to have a steamy session with Gavin to push Ray even farther from my thoughts. I sat on the bed waiting for Gavin to return from the bathroom.

“Oh, Michael.” Gavin said as he noticed me on the bed.

“Oh,” I faked hurt as I got off the bed, “well if you want to just play video games, we can.”

He pushed me back onto the bed and pinned my body under his. He kissed me thoroughly and I forced myself not to compare his kisses to Ray’s. I emptied my mind and focused on nothing but his lips covering mine, and his hand under my shirt on my waist.  His other hand cupped under my left knee and hitched it up around his hip, when his fingers moved back to my shirt; he stopped and pushed off me. Lifting the shirt up, he kissed a trail of kisses down my chest to my jeans’ button.  I was surprised how excited Gavin was. This was the roughest I’ve seen him ever. Not like I didn’t like it.

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