Guardians Of Seeleo: Prologue - Returning Home

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"i'tre galaktika es ru"

Rush'bik Quadrant Zone B43567, Xi'orloso V 90675 Beta, Sector C,
Xi'korr System

Seeleo Intergalactic Army Space Port

[Mission Log: Seeleo Orbit, Sol n/a]

A soldier and a high ranking commander walked through the blue, tiled halls of the Intergalactic Army Space Port. The sides of the halls had glass windows that gave an incredible view of the vast void of stars and blackness; outer space. The soldier's gait was incisive. His chin was pointing straight forward. His upper body bounced briskly while he walked. Concentration brewed in his eyes.

He was thinking about the reason for being called by the Intergalactic Army's general.

The soldier was muscular -built- and had hair that reached the lower tips of his ears. It was blue and black in color, slicked back with jublinks mucus, one of the best hair products in the cosmic market. The soldier was 2,90 meters tall, while the high ranking officer sprouted up to 3,40 meters.

The soldier was pelted with sleek, blue breastplates, along with other sionic plates on his shoulders, arms, back, waist, hips, buttocks and legs. Even the shiny, hard armoring was around his neck, only to split in the middle by the neo-suit's cruxion infused fabric. All he needed in order to complete his battle worthy look was his visor-helm.

The soldier's boots were carefully crafted. They had a smooth, hard surface matching the armor plates. The slender boots clattered on the black marble tiles as the soldier walked across the immaculate passageway. The noise did not faze the soldier. He could hear it anywere in the galaxy. "These Tesh-model Zeltaso Sionic boots ensure protection against four thousand degrees!" said a long forgotten voice.

The soldier's face was a shade of dark blue. The texture was tough and his skin had vertical lines that ran through his entire body. His eyes were fiery orange with dark, black pupils, similar to a fueling energy core. He wore thick, framed glasses that were light blue and silver. A huge minority of the Xi species favour the color blue, including the soldier. The commander thought the color was sickening.

Though, that would mean the commander finds himself sickening. "It is too common," answered the commander, once, with a face of sheer disgust.

The soldier had alluring, orange tattoos that spiraled around his cheeks that bloomed on his forehead. The tattoos slid around his body, wrapping around his waist, crawling along his chest and abdomen. They slithered down and ran from his thighs to the surfaces of his subterranean, ocean blue feet.

The tattoos glowed a dim orange along the dimmer hall, that of which gave a visual representation of his apathy.

The commander bore red tattoos that were similar to the soldiers', though more tribal than intricate.

These tattoos differed from Xi to Xi. Their colors and styles are genetic, along with eye color and every other aspect of their bodies; hair, hands and so on. Some were slender than a twig but could hunt like tribals, others gigantic and bulky but were the greatest geniuses.

It varies from Xi being to Xi being.

The commander was far more bigger and stronger than the soldier. His footfalls could break skulls. His muscles bended the hardest of metals and industrial elements. The commander's large jaw and sunken eye sockets, with his massive frame, gave him a powerful and intimidating look. A look that could cripple infantries upon infantries in one quake of a finger hair.

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