"Honey . . . But Why?"

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"Honey-chan . . ." I spoke quietly, sitting next to him. He looked up at me, seeing my blonde hair and hazel eyes, with his eyes slanted realizing who I was. "Kokoro . . ."

I nodded, taking Usa-chan out of my right arm giving it up Honey. "I believe this belongs to you brother."

"Usa-chan!!!!!!!!!!!" When Usa-chan was in his arms he immediately stopped crying hugging it very tightly.

The man with the most girls at his table looked over the girls surrounding him seeing a new girl with a White Neko. He excused himself for a minute walking over to Honey's and Mori's table, his hand touching my cheek. Welcome Pr-" I immediately grabbed his wrist hitting the pressure pointing taking it off of my face before twisting it behind his back. The girls from the rose petal table immediately screeched running over to their "Prince" mumbling along the way. "Prince-sama!!" "Tamaki-chan . . ." "Who do she thinks she is?! Hurting our Prince in Shinning Armor like that?!" "I hope he is alright." "That monster . . ."

When the girls made their arrival to Honey's and Mori's table I looked up, staring at the girls, still having the "Prince" wrist behind his back. "I do not like being toyed around like a doll. I was only here to return Honey's Bun-Bun. He dropped it at the doors of the library. I do not like seeing Honey-chan upset . . ." By now I have attracted the whole "Cafe" all of the girls surrounding "their Prince" and I. I released his wrist, sitting back down.

The man in the far left corner with jet black hair stood up, pushing his glasses with his index and middle fingers so they will not fall off of his face. "Today has come to a close. We will resolve this situation and everything will be normal tomorrow. I do apologize for what just happened." He bowed then escorted all the girls out, closing the door behind him. I remained sitting down holding Sugar close to me. Fujioka, the Hitachiin Twins, and "Rose Petal Prince" sat down surrounding Honey and Mori. The man with the glasses remained standing looking through his iPad before grabbing my left wrist with Sugar forcing me to stand up. "You have some explaining to do Ms. Sakura . . ."

I looked at him, blushing a deep crimson, being embarrassed. No one has called me by my "kawaii" same.

The twins walked over to me getting into my personal bubble. "Look she is blushing Kyoya~" both twins chimed as I stood my ground.

The "Prince" grabbed the twins by the collar making them sit back down. "Explain, child."

Fujioka mumbled, "All of you are immature . . ." Shaking her head.

I looked at all of them before speaking, "my name is Kokoro "Sakura" Haninozuka 15 years old, First year at Ouran High School. I was exiting the library when I was brothers-"

The "Prince", the twins and Fujioka, "EH?!?!?!"

"A sister? HONEY? A younger silbing?" The "Prince" looked at Honey and Mori.

"Oi. . . well she does have the resemblance. . . Blonde hair and honey eyes . . ." Fujioka spoke.

"Isn't she so kawaii-desu no?" The twins tilted their heads inward to each other staring at me.

"Honey . . . Why didn't you tell us?" Fujioka looked over at him.

Honey stood up, "none of you really asked about my life . . . I know it is not right telling you guys . . . I am sorry!!" He picked up a piece of cake starting eat it.

Mori sighed.

"What are we going to do? She has caused trouble today?" The twins spoke in unison.

The "Prince" stood up pointing at me. "This can not be good," I thought.

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