Author's Note

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Sorry guys about making a lot of these Author notes instead of just updating the story so you guys can see what happens next but I had some news for you guys. I'll try to update every Friday because I ended up getting a job for the summer time and I volunteer too so I can get my community hours faster because I graduate in June of next year. And because of my work schedule and my volunteer schedule then having summer school on top of that I only have Fridays free. I might be able to update on Monday's and Saturday's too but it depends because Monday's I work 2-4, Tuesday-Wednesday I work 2-6, Thursday I work 2-9 and Saturday  I work from 8:30am-4:30. Then Sundays I volunteer from 9:00am-6:00pm. Then I have summer school from 8:00am-1:30pm. I would have to see if I have enough time to update on Monday's after work, after I'm done eating supper and when I am done my homework and if there is time. On that note I'll try to update Monday's Friday's and Saturdays. There was another reason why I was writing this author's note for. Have any of you guys watch the Fosters and if you guys have seen the show I believe it was in either season 2 or 3 when Mariana cheated on Mat with Wyatt. Well I just finished season 3 and Mariana played Juliet while Mat played Romeo and later on it revealed that Mat wrote Mariana a letter and well I looked up the letter and I found it because in the episode it didn't show what the letter had said in it but I found it and found out what it said. The letter said. 


I'm writing  you a letter because I'm not sure I can tell you how I feel in person, Maybe because if you don't feel the same as me, I don't want to feel embarrassed or stupid.  At least not in front of you. Not again. I didn't think I could forgive you for what happened with Wyatt. I was really hurt and totally blind sided. I thought, even though. I Love you, I could push those feelings down and eventually they'd go away. But they haven't . And doing R&J just brought them back up, maybe stronger than ever. I don't want to be too literal, but I guess playing Romeo to your Juliet, and their tragic end, had made me realize, ours doesn't have to be a sad ending, If I can just get over myself. Over my ego and be with you. Which is what I want. If you want that too. I realize it might be too late. You might be over me and you might not be able to forgive me for being so harsh and judgmental. I know I haven't treated you very well during rehearsals, that's only because I was trying not to love you. But that's impossible. If you don't feel the same, just pretend I never sent this letter. You don't have to say anything. I'll know if I don't hear from you, that we really are over. 

I Love you and always will, 


That is romantic and the thing is Mariana never wrote back to the letter and on the night that they performed she ended up running off stage after this one scene and Mat went after her and she said that it was hard. He didn't understand why it was hard and she told him because she's still in love with him and he asked her about why she didn't answer his letter then. That's when it got fishy someone had taken the letter out of Mariana's bag where he put the letter. That's when Mariana asked what was in the letter and Mat said "I still love you". After Mat said that, that's when Mariana's boyfriend Nick came back stage. What happened was a few days after the play happened Mat and Mariana was talking about how Mariana doesn't want to hurt Nick and how Mat doesn't want to hurt Zoe so they end up kissing right when Nick walks into Mariana's backyard but they didn't see Nick. Later on Nick has this huge melt down where they revealed that Nick had taken the letter from Mariana's bag and he ended up setting his Dad's warehouse on fire with the letter. Then in season 4 Nick brings a gun to school and what happens is Mariana is in the bathroom when they called the code for a school shooting and she went to every class banging on doors and no one would let her in but she get's to this one classroom which Mat and Zoe are in together. Well Mariana is banging at the door Mat is like darting towards the door to let her in and the teacher is pushing him back away from the door. Later on everyone is save and outside but they still can't Mariana and right near the end of the episode they find Mariana in the bathroom and they take Mariana outside and she runs to her adoptive mother, her brother, her adoptive brother, her other adoptive brother and her adoptive sister. That's when Mat ditched his girlfriend to go see Mariana and see how she was doing. In the second episode Nick is in Mariana's room freaking out at Mariana with a gun and Mat is about to walk into her room but Mariana mouths to him to get help and he goes and tells her adoptive parents. 

And on that other note I'm thinking about making a book about the Fosters and what I think should happen and what I hope to happen and it's going to take place a few years later but not to later but like Mariana is going to be senior in my book, Jesus is going to be a senior, Brandon is going to be in College, Mat is going to be in college, Callie is going to be in college, and Jude is going to be in grade 10. We'll be seeing old characters come back in the story and we'll be seeing new characters, romance, the difficulties of being in a relationship, the difficulties of adjusting to a new setting and being in a new atmosphere. We'd always find out what happen with Brandon and Cortney, Callie and AJ, Brandon and Callie. Just like what happened to them in that whole year. Comment if you think I should write a story about the Fosters or if your interested in reading a book like that. Just let me know.   

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