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Last night I had a talk with Tara about her and Christian. I really think they belong together because I have never saw her smile that much while she was dating someone. Let's start with my brother for example. My brother didn't notice her at all, flirted with other girls, didn't like Tara, never talked to Tara then all of a sudden he gets rejected by someone he likes and then it goes harsh on Tara about her dancing and the next thing I know he has a crush on her and then all of a sudden they are dating and basically glued to each other. I haven't seen my brother that crazy about someone since his last girlfriend he dated before her. Then when Tara needed Ethan he was half way across the world with me, our mother, and our father. So he gets Christian to help Tara and then when Tara makes one mistake Ethan doesn't dump her or anything he just goes back with his ex when he doesn't even like her and the only reason he did that was to hurt Tara. Now let's talk about Ben. He basically used Tara to get inside Christian's head, he tried way to hard to impress Tara, he wanted to have sex with Tara after just a few months probably of dating. Okay now let's talk about Christian. Christian was the first guy that ever took notice of her and the first guy to actually talk to her. Christian was basically her first everything and she actually said I Love You to him I never thought I would hear those words come out of her mouth because she never said it to Ben or Ethan. I know Tara and I know for a fact that she wouldn't hurt someone for no reason unless she knows something doesn't feel right. I just want Tara happy again. I really hope Ryan says yes to giving them our tickets and the house in Wisconsin to them so they can work everything out. 

"Hey Ryan I need to ask you something" I was a little nerves because we wanted to go there for a wedding trip before the wedding but Tara and Christian needs it more than me and Ryan. 


"What do you think about Tara and Christian like as a couple?" 

"I think they are cute together, they have chemistry, they have history but on the other hand they don't trust each other, they hide secrets, they aren't honest with each other and it seems like they don't have respect for each other. If they can't trust, can't be honest with each other, no respect for each other and has to hide secrets their relationship will never be strong enough to last. If they can learn how to trust each other, be honest with each other, have respect for each other, and they don't hide secrets with each other than I think they have a really good shot at lasting a long time together but they also let people get to them. That's why her relationship didn't work with Ethan because everyone thought she belonged with Christian so she cheated on him with Christian and the next thing you know her and Ethan are broken up and she is called a cheater. Her relationship didn't work out with Ben because she worried about what Christian said about Ben using her to get into his head. If she can get pass that too then they would be one of the most perfect couple, stronger, and can last maybe a lifetime together. But if they can't get over those things then they won't last" Ryan explained. He had a point. When you're in a relationship there should be trust, honest with each other, respect, no secrets and doesn't care what people say but to them it's like the opposite.

"I talked to Tara last night I think it was like around maybe 1:00 am but I am not to sure" 

"What did  you guys talk about?" 

"She said that when they were alone on her families farm the relationship was perfect until they got back here and that's when it all fell to pieces so I was thinking maybe we could give them our air-plane tickets and the keys to the house in Wisconsin because they will be away from the pressure of everyone and everything, they will have time to actually sit down and have a conversation with each other rather than worry about when they have dance class and stuff like that" 

"I think that's a perfect idea. How do you feel about us planning their vocation? Like activities to do, what times to do the activities and like actually get them to sit down and talk because I know for a fact they will try and find a way around the topic and I know this is a little much but I can pay for the trip because I believe they have a real shot at being a couple" 

"Sure as long as they actually talk to each other and explain their feelings to each other I'm fine with that because Tara is really confused about her feelings towards Christian and Christian on the other hand knows his feelings for Tara" 

Christian always had a thing for Tara and I could tell by the way he looked at her when they met on the roof top, when he started to like her and everything. Christian hasn't dated one girl since he got to the Academy besides Tara and me but his first girlfriend he had was Tara. I guess I only dated Christian because Tara hurt my brother so instead of my brother hurting her I thought I could hurt her instead but worse by kissing Christian at my party, asking Christian to teach me how to skateboard, flirting with Christian, going out with bunch of these guys to make him jealous, dating him, and basically rubbing it in Tara's face because I knew she still had feelings for Christian but if Tara ever knew then our friendship will be down the toilet and she was like the first friend I made at the Dance Academy and I don't want to lose that friendship but I also feel really guilty because I knew at the time that she had feelings for him still, that they were going there a rough time in their relationship and I took advantage of that to hurt one of my best friends at the Dance Academy. Me feeling really guilty is probably why I want to get them back together, want to help them get back together, willing to pay any price for them to be together because maybe if they get back together all my guilt will go away and I won't feel like I was the reason their relationship didn't work out in the end. 

"Hey is something wrong you seem out of it today?" He asked

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just thinking about something that's not important" 

I'm so scared to tell Ryan what I did while I was in the Dance Academy because that girl he knew when we were younger was nothing like that girl I was in the Dance Academy and he still thinks I'm the same as he knew me before. I'm scared of what he'll say or think of me after he finds out that I only dated Christian to get back at Tara for breaking my brother's heart but I shouldn't have done that. I can't even tell Christian because me and him are friends now. It would ruin 2 friendships that I've made for the last few years and maybe he could ruin my relationship with Ryan and I can't picture my life without Ryan but Ryan is right relationships shouldn't have secrets and I'm keeping the biggest secret from him, from Tara, and from Christian. I don't know if I should tell them because everything could come crumbling down right in front of me. What happens if Tara never wants to be my friend? What happens if Christian gets mad at me and never talks to me again? What happens if Tara never wants to talk, hang out or see me ever again? What happens if Ryan looks at me differently and doesn't want to go through with the Wedding? If I hadn't wanted to get back at Tara and just mined my own business I wouldn't be in this situation right now. Please someone tell me what to do. Should I tell Ryan, Tara, and Christian or should I just keep it to myself? 

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