Author's note

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Hey guys I always write an Author's note telling you guys how my life is going on. In the last author's note I said the next update would in June after exams. I am so sorry to let you guys I won't be able to update until August. You might be wondering why. Well just last week on June 9th I was doing a play for my drama class has an exam and well there was an accident. The teacher did not have any lights on backstage so we could see and it was really crowed backstage with all the props. Here comes in the accident I was in the hall way and my teacher wanted me back before the play ended so they were on the last Act. I opened the door and I was running to get to my spot backstage to come out and I tripped over something with resulted into me smashing my wrist against the metal doorway frame. At first my wrist wasn't hurting until the next day. Me and my bestfriend was making posters for my campaign because I'm running for co-vice president for student council and that's when my wrist started hurting. My wrist got so bad that I couldn't text, I couldn't hold anything in my hand, my wrist started to swell up, it started to change a different color, I ended up losing all feeling in my wrist and hand. My mom goes to bend my wrist and I burst into tears for like 2 hours. So she said that we were going to go to the hospital well around 9:00pm I was moving my wrist without any problems so e decided not to go. The next day my wrist is just a killing me so we go down to the mall to get a tension wrap. My friend puts it on for me and like for probably good 6 hours my wrist was still hurting even with tension wrap on it. Me and my mom both said that I needed to get it looked at so at like 12:30 probably we went to the hospital after dropping my friend off. We didn't get to see a doctor until like 3 in the morning. The nurse and the doctor thought it was a sprain but he noticed that whenever you moved my wrist or fingers there was also a cracking sound and you could feel it to so he sent me to get x-rays. We didn't get the results of the x-rays until like 4 in the morning. The doctor comes in and tells me that I broke my wrist and that he was going to put a cast on until I can go see a surgeon that knows about bones to actually see if I need a cast or not or if I need surgery. I should be getting a call from a surgeon in a week. Now because the doctor put a cast on me I can't bend my arm. He ended up putting the cast all the up pass my elbow a little. Another thing is I'm going to be in summer school all of July, my sisters graduate is like 1-2 weeks away, I have exams, I have a job interview on Monday and only July 1-2 I am going to a Hedley concert. But I promise in August I will update on all my books. 

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