Author's note

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Hey everyone I know you guys are all waiting patiently for me to update it's just I've been going through a lot right now. In December I found out that I was suffering from depression and I found out that my cousin was in the hospital for attempt suicide so I've been trying to deal with all that. I also just found out that I might be bipolar. Just last week me, my sisters and my family got a scare because our cousin ended up running away with this other guy and my cousin had something on him. My sister wasn't sure if it was a gun or a knife but it turns out that it was a blade that he uses to cut himself with. They ended up getting so high that the one kid could of die from an overdose because he couldn't walk, he was dizzy and he was puking. So my sister thought that our cousin was going to kill himself so I've been dealing with that. I've also been dealing with exams and relationship issues. My one best friend just got dumped not that long ago, my other best friend is having problems in her relationship then I've been dealing with my other best friends relationship problem because she's in love with this over guy who isn't her boyfriend and she has told me that she wants to break up with him but then not that long ago like just last week something happened and she realized that it would be to hard for her to break up with him. I've been dealing with my sister's relationship problems because her boyfriend will like take the phone away from his ear and won't talk to her for half an hour, he believes his friends, he shoved her and she hit her head. My sister is sick with a respiratory flu which is in her lungs. I've been dealing with the fact that my one friend won't be going to my school anymore because she is being home schooled. I've also been cleaning my bedroom, finding a job, saving up because I'm going to a One Direction Concert with my best friend and my family. I'm trying to deal with the fact that I might have a crush on my best friends boyfriend, dealing with the fact that my best friends boyfriend who is also my friend tired killing himself, dealing with the fact that everyone at my school hates me. I actual threw a paper at my ex who is now my friend and I was in tears in front of him and I was sitting in the bathroom for my whole science class because I couldn't deal with the stress anymore. Not that long ago me and my friend got in a fight the same day her and her boyfriend broke up. My other friend is pissing me off. So I'll try to update sometime this week.

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