The Beginning of Something New

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This is a fan fiction of J.K. Rowling's original Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. She owns every event, idea, and character. I only take partial credit for the events, ideas, and characters in this story that Ms Rowling didn't directly come up with, but she still has the majority of credit because without her original, I wouldn't have even thought to write about Nicolette. Anyways, on with the story! ;)


 *Ronald Weasley*

“George, give it back!” I yelled at my brother as he took a muffin off of my plate. Fred, George, and I were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast and waiting on the owl post. My Hogwarts letter was supposed to come soon. I couldn't wait; I was so excited that I was practically bouncing in my seat.

“Mum, where's Dad?” My younger sister, Ginny, asked as she walked into the room.

“Yeah Mum, where's Dad?” The twins asked together, mocking Ginny.

“At the Ministry. Emergency meeting,” my mum said while still cooking. Just as she finished speaking, the post flew in. Envelopes dropped onto my brothers' plates and one landed on my head.

“Ow! It's here,” I yelped excitedly. I pulled at the sealed letter, but stopped when another letter dropped into Ginny's lap. “That's not right, you're not going 'til next year,” I told her, grabbing the envelope. “Mum, who's Nicolette Weasley?” I asked my mum, confused. Just then, my father walked in from the garden. “Hello Dad,” I said out of habit, without looking up from the mysterious letter in my hand.

“Children, I would like you to meet your cousin, Nicolette,” my dad said. A girl around my age stepped out from behind him. She had caramel-colored skin covered in scratches, messy, dark brown, curly, shoulder-length hair, big, light brown eyes, and a white bandage on the left side of her face. The bandage covered the skin from the bottom of her ear to the tip of her chin, along her jaw. She was just below five feet tall, had on gray, baggy sweat pants, a black T-shirt that is too big for her, and a pair of all black high-top converses.

 “Hi,” she said quietly with an American accent.

“Hello,” we all replied. Everyone was silent. Nicolette shifted her weight to her other foot, obviously uncomfortable. Ginny stood up and walked over to the girl.

“Hi, I'm Ginny,” she said with a smile. “I don't mean to be rude, but why don't you look like us?” Ginny asked innocently. Nicolette opened her mouth to speak, but Dad talked first.

“My brother married her mother a-,” he began, but Nicolette interrupted.

 “My mom's from Africa and my father was from Italy. He died when I was one, then my mom married Papa, who was you all's uncle. So, I’m your step cousin. Ginny you weren't being rude, I’m just glad somebody talked. It was getting awkward in here,” she said with a small smile. Then George spoke up.

“Why are you here?” he asked her. This time she put her head down, so Dad talked.

“An employee at the ministry went to my brother's house because he had missed two days of work and no one had seen him, Nicolette, or her mother. They were greeted with a disturbing sight and Nicolette here, hiding under a bed with a few injuries,” he told us with sorrow in his voice. I looked at the bandage on Nicolette's face again, to where her face was most likely cut open.

“Two wizards had come over and were yelling at my Papa. I didn't know who they were, but Papa did and he looked scared. It all happened so fast. They were arguing, then my mom came home and everything got worse,” Nicolette told us all. Her eyes are glazed over as if she was seeing the scene again. A tear slid down her cheek. She blinked, coming back to reality. “In the end, the men took my mom and I was left alone. Everything goes black there until I woke up by myself. I hid 'cause I was terrified. I think I was passed out longer than the time I hid because it hadn’t been more than half a day when the lady from the Ministry found me.” We were all quiet, taking in what she just told us. After a few minutes, Nicolette spoke again. “What's a Mudblood?” She asked.

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