Just a Dream

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This is dedicated to SiriuslyMalfoy for being such an awesome fan. Thanks for reading, voting, and asking me to keep going. :)


“What did you call me?” I said, thinking I had heard him wrong.

“I called you Marvelle. Your middle name, correct?” He replied.

“Yes, but how do you know that? It wasn't even on my Hogwarts letter. And no one ever called me that except for my mother,” I said, feeling butterflies in my stomach, the kind that made you sick.

“I know things about you that you don't even know yet,” he said and turned around. He was moving things around on his desk, looking for something.

“Professor? Are you okay? You're really starting to scare me,” I stammered. I began backing out of the room slowly and silently.

“Oh, I've been better. I-” he said. “Aha! Here it is!” He exclaimed turning around. He had something in his hand, but I had reached the door and took off down the hallway. I swiftly walked down the staircases and down to the Great Hall for dinner. I walked into the Great Hall and saw that Professor Quirrell was already seated at the high table with the other teachers. I walked over to the Slytherin table and sat in between Blaise and Goyle, across from Draco.

“Hey. Dinner's almost over. Where've you been?” Draco asked me. I shook my head and poured myself a glass of pumpkin juice.

“I was, um, in the library. Working on my essay,” I told him, even though I had already finished all my homework. I finished eating and then walked to the common room with Blaise and Draco.

I helped them on their homework for an hour, then showed off some more transfiguration. I went to bed that night happy and had completely forgotten about Professor Quirrell.

-Summer break, July before 5th year-

“Nikki, wake up! Breakfast is ready,” I heard Draco say through the guest room door. I sat up and looked at the clock. 4:45AM! I thought. I walked over to the door and opened it.

“Draco! Why are you waking me up at 4:45 in the morning?” I said, rubbing my eye.

“My parents have company and they want you to come meet them. Get dressed,” he said, his voice shaking. His right hand was twitching slightly.

“Okay, give me five minutes.” I closed the door and walked to the dresser. I grabbed a pair of red skinny jeans, a black tank top and a red off-the-shoulder half shirt, and red lace underwear and bra. I changed and walked to the in-suite bathroom and washed my face and teethe. I put on black eyeliner and mascara and a little bit of pink lip gloss. I was 15 now and had lost the round face of a child, I was 5 feet 6 inches, and had a perfect hour-glass figure with D sized breasts, round hips and a firm butt. I grabbed my wand and flattened my china bangs and hair, which fell down to my lower back. I put my wand down and looked in the mirror. I want red hair and gold eyes today, I thought. I pictured my hair flaming red and my irises gold, my pupils rimmed with aqua. Instantly, my hair and eyes changed to exactly how I picture them and I walked out of the bathroom. I slipped some black ballet flats on and grabbed my wand before walking into the hall. Draco was there waiting.

“Good morning,” I said with a smile. I stood up on my toes, since he was a whole 7 inches taller than me at 6 feet 1 inch, and pecked him on the lips, making him smile back.

“Nice hair,” he said and grabbed me around my small waist.

“The beauty of being a metamorphmagus,” I said simply and kissed him again. He grabbed my hand and pulled my down the stairs and to one of the many living rooms of the Malfoy Manor. When we walked in, his smile fell and he dropped my hand.

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