This... Is NOT... Happening!!!

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The large, wooden door swung open to reveal a tall, black-haired witch. Her face was slightly wrinkled, but no silver hairs were visible under her emerald-green wizard's hat. Her face was strict, but kind, obviously a no-nonsense kind of women.

“The firs' years, Professor,” Hagrid said to the woman.

“Thank you, I’ll take it from here,” Professor McGonagall told Hagrid. We followed Professor McGonagall through the doors and into a grand entrance hall. There were staircases leading every direction and the ceiling extended farther than I could see. Harry and Ron were looking around in awe, Ron with his mouth hanging open.

“Ron, close your mouth, you're drooling,” I whispered playfully. He snapped his mouth closed, but his eyes grew wider as he continued to look around the entrance hall of Hogwarts castle. We followed Professor McGonagall past a doorway and I heard people conversing on the other side. The witch led us to a small room where we all crowded in. She welcomed us to Hogwarts, told us about the four houses — Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw — and left us in the chamber.

“How do they sort us into houses?” Harry asked Ron.

“Some sort of test, I think. Fred said it hurt, but I think he was joking,” Ron responded.

“He told me that they torture you 'til you scream and sort you into the houses according to however long you held up,” I told them, scared. Their eyes widened into saucers. Draco walked over toward us and introduced himself to Harry.

“This is Crabbe and Goyle,” Draco told Harry, “and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.” I realized then that we never exchanged last names when we met. Ron coughed, obviously covering up a laugh. “Think my names funny? I don't need to ask who you are. My father told me that all Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford,” Draco sneered at Ron.

“Your father isn't always right. Not all Weasleys have red hair and freckles...” I told him, slightly offended. I was about to tell him that I was a Weasley and an only child, but Professor McGonagall walked back into the room.

“Move along now. The Sorting Ceremony is about to start,” McGonagall said with authority. “Form a line, and follow me.” Ron got in line behind me while Harry was in front of me. We all followed Professor McGonagall out of the room and through a set of double doors into the Great Hall. I was so nervous that I was going to be tortured that I found myself staring intently at the back of Harry's head. I looked away and saw Fred and George sitting at the table at the far left. I waved at them and they both smiled in return.

We stopped walking and Professor McGonagall placed a stool on the stage in front of all us first years and then sat an old, pointed wizard’s hat on the stool. I stared at it thinking it might become a troll, but then it started singing. It finished its song and I clapped with everyone else, still nervous. I was wondering what house I would be in. My family is a part of Gryffindor, so I'm a legacy; I love learning, so Ravenclaw might be nice. I thought to myself after the hat's song. Hufflepuff sounds okay, but I can't be in Slytherin. George had said that Slytherins call witches like me Mudbloods. Slytherins took my mom and killed the only father I ever knew. My internal tirade was cut off by McGonagall calling out a girl's name. She got into Hufflepuff.

The sorting went on for a little while and Professor McGonagall called “Granger, Hermione.” The girl who hit me with the door stepped up and sat on the stool. The hat yelled “GRYFFINDOR” and Ron and I groaned in unison.

The sorting hat announced house after house, placing excited boys and girls at the various tables. McGonagall called out “Malfoy, Draco” and the sorting hat yelled Slytherin before it was even on his head all the way. Draco walked over to his table looking quite pleased with himself.

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