Off to a Good Start

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I walked to Flourish and Blotts and found it packed from wall to wall. I pulled the book list out of my pants pocket and grabbed every book I needed and a book entitled Various Spells for Various Occasions. I was handing the cashier the money when I heard my name being called over the chatter of the shoppers. I put my books, extra quills, and ink bottles (black and green ink) in my backpack. I turned around to see Fred waving at me. I waved back and pointed towards the door. He nodded and I headed outside into the busy street.

“Did you get everything in there, dear?” Aunt Molly asked me.

“Yes. I need to go to a clothing store,” I said, reading my supply list. We walked over to Madam Malkin's to get my robes. They left me there saying they already had robes and would see me at Potage's Cauldron Shop when I was done. I walked into the shop and closed the door behind me.

“Hello, young lady. Are you here for Hogwarts?” A witch who, I assumed, was Malkin herself, greeted me. I nodded and she told me to follow her. We walked up to a footstool with a boy standing on it. Madam Malkin told me to wait there a moment.

“Hello,” I said politely to the boy, “you going to Hogwarts?”

“Yes. I take it so are you. I'm Draco,” he said, with the obvious sound of annoyance in his voice.

“Nice to meet you, Draco. I'm Nicolette,” I said with a smile. His face was pale and slightly pointed. He had light blonde hair that was way too neat. After I finished introducing myself, his face showed shock for a split second.

“Why are you going to Hogwarts? You're obviously from the United States,” he said with confusion heavy in his voice.

“Moved back last night. Got my letter this morning,” I replied before Malkin waved me toward her. I walked over to the opposite side of the store, got fitted with all the robes and other clothing I needed, then I walked back over to the shop door, back over to Draco. “Again, nice meeting you. See ya' at school,” I said happily. He nodded towards me and I walked away with my new clothes and my backpack.

I walked into Potage's to see Ron staring at a gold cauldron. “We have to get pewter, ya' know,” I said, nudging him with my elbow and knocking him out of his staring competition with the glorified bowl. “C'mon, bud,” I murmured, tugging on his shirt. I bought a boring standard cauldron and we all bought the rest of our supplies together.

“That everything?” Aunt Molly asked us.

“I want to go to Gambol and Japes,” said Fred while George nodded excitedly.

“I need a wand,” I told her. Aunt Molly told me that Ron already had one, so they would meet me outside the ice cream parlor. I walked to Ollivanders (the only wand store in Diagon Alley) for a wand. I walked up to the door and a boy walked out. “Hi,” I said quietly.

“Hello, I'm Harry,” he replied, holding out his hand.

“Nicolette,” I said, shaking his hand. We both said bye and I walk into the small shop. “Hello?” I asked when I saw no one inside. An old, kind-looking man walked into the room.

“Hold out your wand arm, please,” he said. A tape measure jumped up and started measuring me. “You're name?” The old man asked me.

“Nicolette Weasley, sir,” I said respectfully. He handed me a wand.

“Ten and a half inches, dragon heartstrings and Vinewood,” he told me. I waved it in a circle and it burned my hand.

“Ow!” I screamed. Ollivander took the wand and handed me another. I tried every size and shape imaginable. The wands didn't like me. Several burned me, blew something up, one even jumped away from me when Mr. Ollivander tried to give it to me. After about an hour of waving and flicking wands, I was exhausted, but Ollivander looked more excited.

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