Fast Forward

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.“Draco, I think Blaise is in the dorm. Do you think that he likes her?” Goyle said, drawing my eyes away from the now vacant porthole that Nikki just walked through.

“Don't know, don't care,” I said with a bored tone and a shrug, trying to act indifferent. I shoved my hands into my pockets to add to the charade.

“We can go find out.” We made our way through the crowd of Slytherins and up the stairs to our

dorm. Blaise was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. I walked over to his bed and leaned against the bedpost.

“You are acting like a girl. Why are you so moody?” I asked him, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I'm fine,” he mumbled, still staring at the ceiling.

“If you're fine, then why are you ignoring Nikki?” I replied, raising an eyebrow. He sighed loudly. He opened his mouth, probably to give a sarcastic reply, then closed it again. He sat up and looked me in the eyes.

“What's it to you?” He asked, turning the tables on me.

“Goodbye, Crabbe and Goyle,” I said to them with a pointed look, dismissing them. They would tell Blaise about their suspicion of him liking her. I needed them to leave before I answered Blaise. Crabbe didn't understand it, but Goyle did.

“C'mon Crabbe. Let's go to the kitchen,” Goyle said, looking at the ground and pushing Crabbe towards the door.

“She's a friend. And she thinks you’re mad at her or something. I'm just trying to clear things up,” I said when I was sure they were out of earshot. His stare intensified and his eyes narrowed as he tried to tell if I was lying. I kept my face void of any emotion and didn't look away. He seemed to think I wasn't lying as he shrugged and looked away.

“I really am fine. Just home sick. I'll talk to Nikki,” he said with a sigh.


“Thank you for the tea Hagrid. It was nice meeting you,” I said to Hagrid after we met him for tea. Harry and Ron were already heading up the hill. I turned around, about to follow them. I noticed a movement by the Forbidden Forest. “What's that?” I asked Hagrid, taking a step closer to the forest.

“Do-don' go over there!” Hagrid stammered, rushing after me as I made my way closer to the movement. It was some kind of creature, and it looked injured. I looked harder and noticed that it was tied to a tree by a long rope, so it could move freely. I got even closer, able to move faster than Hagrid. I paused, recognizing the creature.

“Is, is that a unicorn?” I asked in awe. The animal was hidden in the shadows of the trees, but I could distinctly see the shining, silver horn of the horse-like creature. I was right on the edge of the forest now, only a foot between me and the wall of trees. I studied the creature intensely, taking in every detail. It was a glittering, baby pink color and had a mane and tail of white with pink and turquoise lowlights. Its large eyes were black, but deep and kind. “What's wrong with her?”

“I found 'er in the fores'. She was cut pretty bad and 'er mum was dead,” Hagrid said, knowing he couldn't hide her from me.

“Wha- what cut her?”

“I don' know. It look'd like an animal attack'd 'er. But, unicorns are so hard to catch, fast they are, that it had to be somethin' else.”

“That's horrible. Is there something in the forest that could do that?”



I helped Hagrid nurse the unicorn back to health. One day, I couldn't find her. I told Hagrid and that night he took the students with detention into the forest to find her. She was dead and I later found out that Professor Quirrell had killed her and drank her blood for Lord Voldemort. He was seriously twisted. I spent the year helping Harry and Ron solve the mystery of Nicholas Flamel and was even able to persuade Hagrid into telling us about the Philosopher’s Stone and its whereabouts.

I had my suspicions about Quirrell, and then on Halloween night, I was in the dungeons and saw someone letting in the Troll. It was dark and I was frightened, but I was pretty sure it was Quirrell. After that, I was constantly trying to convince Harry that Snape was not trying to steal the Stone; he later apologized for not believing me.

When Harry, Ron, and that irritating Granger girl went into the Underground Chambers, it was my job to sing to Fluffy so that they could get under him, then I had to get Dumbledore back to Hogwarts. I ended the year at the top of my class, tying with Hermione in everything except Potions, which I beat her in. I even got better marks than her in every exam. It was kind of a letdown and a little unfair when Slytherin didn't when the House Cup, but at least I got a couple of points for taming Fluffy and getting Dumbledore back to the school in time. I left school with 4 new best friends. Harry, Cedric, Draco, and, of course, Ron. I turned 12 on Christmas, which was cool.

-Last Day of School; King's Cross Station-

“Bye! See you in September. I'll remember to write,” I told Draco after we hugged.

“Me too. Bye Nikki,” he yelled to me as he ran over to his father. I waved at him as he Disappariated with his father. I made my way over to my family, who were saying goodbye to Harry and Hermione.

“Nikki!” Ginny squealed, giving me a big hug. Aunt Mol smiled and hugged me.

“I'll write you over the summer,” I told Harry.

“Ready, are you?” A purple-faced, over-weight man with a mustache said to Harry. There was a tall, thin woman and a young boy that resembled a pig standing behind the man. I assumed that these people were Harry’s uncle, aunt, and cousin.

“You must be Harry's family!” said Aunt Mol.

“In a manner of speaking,” said the man. Rude much? “Hurry up, boy, we haven't got all day.” He walked away before he even finished speaking.

“Well, he's not very pleasant is he,” I stated to our group, watching the man and his family with distaste.

“You have no idea,” Harry sighed. “See you over the summer, then.”

“Hope you have, erm, a good holiday,” said Hermione to Harry.

“Oh I will,” said Harry with a grin. “They don't know we're not allowed to use magic at home I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer.”

“Please tell us if you need anything,” I said to Harry, looking in his uncle's direction, worried he was very unfair and rude to Harry, “please.” We said our last goodbyes, Hermione and I just nodding in each other’s direction, and we made our way to the Burrow.


Well, that's it for this book. It's over. I'll be starting the second one soon, and I have a lot of ideas for the next one. Please comment, vote, fan. Thanks!- Mia<3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2013 ⏰

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